DELVE Stories!

Peter Assimakopoulos

Once again I would like to thank the flexibility of our community for the shift of our trips to our ‘Close to Home’ DELVE Programme.

The pictures from the week are a great example to show that our students have been engaged in some incredible opportunities to extend their thinking about communities around them, develop their compassion and care, and have connected them to a range of new friends who they were not necessarily connected to prior to this week.

If you have not done so already, take an opportunity to talk to your child about their experiences. What challenged them? What did they learn about themselves? What will they do differently or appreciate in a new way because of the experiences they had this week? We hope these DELVE stories deepen some of the learning that our students get while away. Please share some of these stories with me I would love to hear as many of these stories as possible.

Peter Assimakopoulos
CAS and Sevice Learning Coordinator

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