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Message from HS Principal
Justin Alexander

Hi Everyone,

One more week to go before a well deserved break for students and teachers. In the meantime we do have a final week of school and celebrations to look forward to. We will be running special HS schedules on Thursday and Friday so that we can hold a fun House Council event (Housefest) on Thursday afternoon before finishing the academic year on Friday morning at 11.30am after we complete our final assembly. We look forward to having all of our students on campus and in school for the last week of school. 

Speaking of special schedules, the HS will be making some adjustments to the daily schedule for the 2022-23 school year and you can read about this later in the Enews. 

Good luck for the last week of school.

All the best
Justin Alexander
HS Principal


Schedule Adjustments 2022-23
Justin Alexander

Dear HS Parents,

As you may be aware we made some changes to the HS schedule during this academic year. 

The main changes were

7.15 -7.50 am    Additional HL instructional time
7.50 am              All classes (except IB HL classes) started at this later time
Advisory met four times a week in the mid-morning 
12.40 pm           Lunch took place after three classes
2.50-3.30 pm  Clubs took place after school
3.40-5.10 pm   Athletics and Arts events were during this time period. 

As planned, we conducted a review of the new HS schedule collecting feedback from teachers and students from February through March. 

The feedback that we received was mixed, but there was general support to: 

  • Move the lunch period earlier 
  • Have less frequent, but longer advisory periods
  • Consider moving clubs back into the school day

Based on the feedback received from faculty and students we have made some adjustments to the schedule for the 2022-23 school year. This schedule has been shared with faculty in recent weeks and with HS students today. You can see a copy of that schedule and rotation by clicking HERE

Some key features of the new schedule

  • 7.50 am Start time for all classes except HL classes
  • 10.50 am -11.20 am  Panther Block (assembly, advisory, clubs)
  • 11.20 am – 12.00 pm Lunch
  • Two classes before lunch and two classes after lunch
  • 3.00 – 5.00 pm Afterschool Activities/Clubs/Arts/Athletics take place during this time period.

Mr. Anthony Giles, Mr. Chris Mott, and Mr. Peter Assimakopoulos will be sending further details to students about the Arts/Cultural, Athletics, and Service Club programs respectively at the start of the school year. 

We look forward to supporting our students in their academic, service, artistic, cultural, and athletic pursuits for 2022-23 with the implementation of this adjusted schedule. 

Justin Alexander
High School Principal


DELVE Stories!

Peter Assimakopoulos

Once again I would like to thank the flexibility of our community for the shift of our trips to our ‘Close to Home’ DELVE Programme. 

The pictures from the week are a great example to show that our students have been engaged in some incredible opportunities to extend their thinking about communities around them, develop their compassion and care, and have connected them to a range of new friends who they were not necessarily connected to prior to this week.

If you have not done so already, take an opportunity to talk to your child about their experiences. What challenged them? What did they learn about themselves? What will they do differently or appreciate in a new way because of the experiences they had this week? We hope these DELVE stories deepen some of the learning that our students get while away. Please share some of these stories with me I would love to hear as many of these stories as possible. 

Peter Assimakopoulos
CAS and Sevice Learning Coordinator



Prom Photos

Peter Assimakopoulos

>>>> Order Form Link  <<<<

Kids Photo Prom Orders 

Please see message from Kids Photo below:

This is the order form for STARRY NIGHT PROM 2022 Photo. Kids Photo provides printed photos and digital files. Please note that this price includes a free delivery service.

How to order: >>>> Order Form Link  <<<<

  1. Pick the photo you like from this link or attached QR Code, then take a note of the No. of the photo you want. 
  2. Choose the size and then write down the No. of photo in the description
  3. Calculate the amount manually and make payment by transfer only. 
  4. Attach the payment slip to the form linked above. 
  5. Fill your contact address. 
  6. Wait 2-3 weeks, we will deliver your photo at home. 

Suggestion: Please calculate the exact amount first and make payment before filling out the form. 

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions on Line id @kidsfototh, 

Thank you,

Kids and Family Foto Company Limited
465-469 Ratchada-Thapra Rd. Thonburi Bangkok 10600
Email LINE id: @kidsfototh
Tel 02 878 8993-5

Peter Assimakopoulos


News from University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

Like everyone, the university counselors are looking forward to the end of the school year and the summer holiday. However, we are still available next week for any Grade 11 student who wants to check in about a draft essay, their university list, or summer activities. Please encourage your child to come by or set an appointment with his/her counselor for a check in before the end of the school year. 

As your child continues his/her university investigation and is crafting their application list over the summer, here’s great advice for your child to best navigate the university application process: 

  1. Get to know your university counselor; more importantly, let your university counselor get to know you. The university counselors are invested in supporting you through your personal journey. 
  2. Take time to visit with university representatives, visit campuses, research institutions. The more you know what’s out there, the more you can take ownership of your applications. When you can articulate well the unique purpose of your application, the more likely the readers will be able to picture you contributing to their community of learners. 
  3. Meet with your university counselor throughout the application period. This may be your first time applying to university, but we’ve helped thousands of students who came before you. We check your applications, give you feedback on essays and help you navigate deadlines and requirements. 
  4. Keep perspective. The truth is, you could be happy at a number of universities. There is no perfect school, no secret information, no monopoly on great teaching. Your value and your success are determined by you, not by the reputation of the university you attend. Admissions to a university is not a prize to be won. It’s the reward that comes after deep self discovery and thorough institutional research that leads to finding institutions where you can thrive, be challenged and forge success.

Ms. Debbie McDowell (she, her, hers)




Anthony Giles


Panther Activities & Sports Camps are back starting June 20th with programs in Animation, Basketball, Gymnastics, Music, Soccer, Tennis and Volleyball. To register, follow the “how to” video linked HERE, or simply log into PowerSchool and click on the CCA button located at the bottom of the left hand menu. Hurry, as registration closes at 3:00 noon on Monday, June 13th!


The New Zealand Chamber of Commerce presents…


Anthony Giles

Led and facilitated by Nikora Ngaropo, incoming ISB MS and HS students will be introduced to the basic principles of 2D hand-drawn animation and 3D stop motion techniques cultivating skills which can transfer across virtual and real world scenarios. Using lego props, wire armatures, green screens, cameras, tablet technology, apps and lighting equipment students will be challenged to create their own narratives working in teams.

Interested in one of the twenty spots available? 

Sign up through the Panther Activities & Sports Camps Registration.     

“We’re proud of our excellent track record of engaging youth through a combination of traditional techniques and digital technology”.



Anthony Giles

We are so proud of our dancers and the fantastic job they did this year! 

For those who missed the show a couple of weeks ago, please check out the video at: 

Panther Dance Performances 2022

Join us next year for a new exciting dance season. Interested? Please contact Ms. Yoona at

As announced at the dance performances in May, longtime Panther Dance instructor, Yoona Crals, has been appointed as Panther Dance Coordinator for 2022-23. A special thanks goes out to our departing Coordinators, Helen Weir (17 years) and Rachel Nahmias (7 years) for their time, care and dedication to the students and families who have been a part of the Panther Dance program over the past couple of decades. Please stop by the Panther Den next week to sign their memory books, or just to say thanks! 

Anthony Giles

Come by the Panther Den next week to check out the Student Clock Project created by ISB parent and artist, Corbet Wong, and featuring ISB students, Emina Udagawa, Perth Phisuthikol, Kaila Miller, Pedro Rodrigues, Samantha Johnson and Max Chung, as well as background footage of ISB students engaged in after school activities.  


Summer School Information for Parents of Registered Students


Dear Parents,

Thank you for joining our summer school program! We are really looking forward to working with your children live at school this summer, our first time in three years! We are getting close and are in the process of finalizing our preparations for summer school! By early to mid next week sometime, you should be receiving an email from us confirming the class(es) your child(ren) are enrolled in. You will also receive information about the first day of school and other things to expect.

For now, any immediate questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at


Summer School – haven’t signed up yet – registration is still open

Dear Parents,

If you are planning on enrolling your child in a summer school class and haven’t done so already, please note that registration is still open. We did cancel a number of classes earlier this week due to low enrollment. But registration for the classes that are running is still open!

Our Summer School dates are Monday, June 20th to Tuesday, July 12th.

You can get more specific information about each camp, our regular summer school academic program, tuition fees, sign-up process, etc, HERE 

Any questions, please email them to



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