Weekly Message From Principal Allen

Thank you to the 50+ ES parents who were able to join us for Thursday’s Parent Engage session in the Chevron Theater!  

The session started with a brief introduction to the ISB Definition of Learning before heading off to the classrooms where we observed students engaged in learning.  Following the visit to the classrooms, we reflected on what we observed through the lens of the ISB Definition of Learning.  It was an authentic way for parents to learn more about our program and approaches to learning.

Following the learning walks, participants were reminded to share their feedback via the annual ISB survey that was shared with all parents via email on Tuesday, May 17. In addition to the annual survey, session participants were asked to share feedback based on the following three questions:

1) What topics are you hoping we might explore in future Parent Engage sessions? 
2) What have been some successful aspects of your child’s ISB experience during the 2021-22 school year? 
3) What might be some possible opportunities of growth for the elementary school program?

Feedback trends were briefly discussed during the session and are being used as we plan for the 2022-23 school year. There was a lot of positive feedback regarding teachers and their ability to support and guide children, the breadth of programs for students, and student learning.  In regards to opportunities for improvement, the most common trend parents shared was their hope to have more individualized and personalized information regarding their child’s performance. 

Thank you again to the parents who were able to join us.  Watch for more details early in the new school year regarding the next ES Parent Engage sessions, and plan to join us!

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

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