PTA AGM Update

Dear ISB Parent Community,

We are writing as a follow up to Tuesday’s PTA message regarding the Executive Board Elections and Annual General Meeting (scheduled for Tuesday 31st May, 2022).

The PTA Executive board has voted to ask the ISB administration to invoke Article 2 of the PTA Bylaws and take responsibility for the nominations and elections processes for 2022/23. 

We will be in touch next week with plans and processes going forward.

The PTA is an important part of our community with the purpose of advancing, through parent engagement, the Mission, Vision, Attributes, and Values of the school, and encouraging parental involvement and community building through events and activities that help bring the ISB community together. 

Our aim is to support the establishment of a PTA Executive Committee for 2022/23 so that the PTA can continue its long history of supporting students, parents and the school. ISB will also conduct a By-Laws review process, particularly those related to nominations and elections, next school year.

If anyone has any questions, please reach out to Harriett Gething ( or Debi Caskey (

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