2022 PROM

Dear Parents,

Our email yesterday had the wrong day for the prom and the picture attached could not format properly. Please see our updated and corrected email below.

As you will be aware, our prom is on Friday night, May 27th from 6:30 to 10:30 pm at the Shangri-La Hotel, 89 Soi Wat Suan Plu, New Road, Bangrak, Bangkok. 

Prom is such a great event where students get to have a night to celebrate together. We are certain that everyone will have a great time and many pictures will be taken and memories formed. In order to make this event a success, there are some rules that everyone must be aware of before attending Prom. 

As students purchased tickets, they signed the Prom Attendance Agreement, included at the bottom of this email. Additionally, we would like to remind all students of our Dance Policies as outlined in the ISB High School Student Handout (pages 42-43). Key points are outlined below. 

Here are a few reminders for the evening:

  • Formal Attire is required.

  • Students must arrive by 7:30 pm, if there is a situation with traffic, please call Andy Vaughan (0875149550) or Peter Assimakopoulos (0995401474) to inform us. 

  • Students must sign out if they leave the dance, recording the time at which they left.  

  • Students leaving the dance early will not be permitted to return.  This means that students remain in the designated dance/activity area.

  • All ISB rules regarding alcohol, drugs and tobacco are in effect.

  • Attendance at school or school-sponsored events, on or off-campus, having used drugs or having consumed alcohol, in any amount, either at the event or prior to the event will be considered a major rules infraction. Any infraction will jeopardize a student’s right to walk at Graduation.

  • There is no transport provided to and from this event. ISB staff will remain in the hotel lobby until all students have departed.

  • The High School Administrative team and a team of chaperone teachers will be supervising the event.

  • At 10:30 pm, the event will conclude. Students and chaperones will be asked to leave the venue at this time, we ask that all students are picked up by 10.45 pm at the very latest 

A typed version of the photo is below.
2022 PROM Attendance Agreement Signed by Students
  • Always keep a mask on during the event.
  • Only Seniors (Grade 12) can attend.
  • No outside food or drink.
  • No use of inappropriate substances inside or outside the facility. This includes smoking and vaping.
  • Proper dance etiquette and modest behaviour required.
  • No leaving the premises. Once you leave prom, you may not return.
Please remember that graduation day is after prom, failure to behave appropriately might mean you will not be permitted to walk at graduation.

Kind regards,
Peter Assimakopoulos  and Andy Vaughan

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