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MS Schedule Next Week

We are back to a full week next week, with the Grade 8 heading off on their end of year trip to Saraburi.

  • Monday, May 23 – Day 2
  • Tuesday, May 24 – Day 3
  • Wednesday, May 25 – Day 4 (Grade 8 leaves for Trip)
  • Thursday, May 26 – Day 5
  • Friday, May 27 – Day 6 (with special schedule for G6 & G7)

Please note that Monday, May 30th will continue with a Day 7, despite Grade 8s having been away and “missing” the Days 4-6.


Classroom Library Book Returns 

We are almost to the end of the school year! English teachers have been so impressed with how students have grown as readers and continued to develop their reading identities. 

As we approach the end of the year, we wanted to send a reminder about returning books to our classroom libraries. We are aware that, over the course of the year, our classroom library books end up in a range of places – bedrooms, lockers, and backpacks. As we prepare for next year, it is really essential that we are able to account for the books that we have and books that have been lost so that we can replace them for next year’s students. 

We would like to begin the process of returning books to the library and your teacher’s classroom library. Of course, if your child is still reading the book, they do not need to return it. For those books that are laying around, please send them back to school. 

It is also important to note that this year, we are going to be a little more diligent about documenting which books are missing. If students have lost or misplaced a book and it cannot be found, please have them report the missing book to their teacher. Each book that is lost will result in a 500 THB fee to help replenish the classroom library for next year’s students. If books are not returned or reported as lost by June 10th, report cards will be held until the issue is resolved. Thank you for your understanding and playing a part to make next year as wonderful of a reading year as this year has been for our students!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let your child’s English teacher know.


MS English Teachers


Boy Scout Troop 701 Flower Sales for MS Concerts 

Boy Scouts Troop 701 is offering pre-orders for flower bouquets and single roses for your upcoming ISB Middle School Musical Performance events. The bouquets and single roses will be picked up at the front gate near Chevron Theatre half an hour before the performance begins.

To guarantee flowers for your musicians, please fill out the form below by:

  • Order by May 22 Sunday for May 24 Tuesday [6:30pm] MS Band Concert
  • Order by May 28 Sunday for June 1 Tuesday [6:30pm] MS Choir/Strings Concert

Please come before the show to pick up your flowers. Thank you for supporting Troop 701 and the ISB Musical Programs.

Click here to order your flowers.



MS Band Concert 6:30 May 24 Chevron & CC Theatres 

After two years of virtual performances, the ISB MS Bands are ready to perform live!  Seating will be limited, so tickets will be reserved for parents with students in band.  Beginning Band will perform in the CCT, while Concert and Symphonic Bands will perform in the Chevron Theater

all starting at 6:30pm.  


Repeat Announcement: Summer School at ISB… 

In addition to our academic programs during summer school at ISB, we also have a variety of different “camps” available for students!

Our Summer School dates are Monday, June 20th to Tuesday, July 12th.

You can get more specific information about each camp, our regular summer school academic program, tuition fees, sign-up process, etc, HERE 


Repeat Announcement: Leaving well, Arriving well

Dear Leaving Panther Parents,

We cordially invite you to join us on Thursday, May 26th for an interactive discussion about transitions and how to leave Thailand well.  And how to arrive at your next destination well, whether it be a return home or another chapter in your international life and travels.  It’s such a complicated time in your students’ (and probably your) lives, and we’ve got a few ideas to share. We will also make space for all of our parent participants to share their own experience and to help each other make the transition a healthy one for you and yours.  

We hope that you can make it on the 26th at 1:30 in the Chevron Theater for about an hour of learning and sharing positive transition next steps in the lives for you and your children.  Please rsvp, so that we can plan for the appropriate amount of parents attending.  When we hear from you we’ll give you details on how to gain access to campus.  Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing you on the 26th!



Kevin Callahan, High School Counselor         Kevin Nelson, Middle School Counselor                                                                                                                   




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