The Nominees for the ISB PTA Board 2022/2023

Dear PTA Members,

The PTA Board has received several, important questions over the last few days, regarding the voting process in the upcoming elections of the PTA Executive Board, in addition to questions about the format, the venue, and the timing of the AGM. We are thankful to those parents who have raised their voices in this matter, as this is the first year that we are operating under the new Bylaws, we want to ensure our election process is clear and well understood. 

In order to address these questions, and to provide time for organization, yesterday the Executive Board voted to invoke Article 13 in our PTA Bylaws. This clause allows us to postpone the elections by two weeks to give us time to work together to ensure that our community understands the election procedures and how they are being applied. Additionally, we want to ensure that parents have ample time to plan to attend the AGM in person and use their voices to vote for the new PTA Board members. We would also appreciate the additional time to continue discussions with PTA members on the slate for the Executive Board in regards to Officer positions (in accordance with bylaw Article 6C e & f). 

Article 13 allows us up to 45 days to suspend normal services, however, we would only postpone the AGM until 31 May, 2022, and with that additional time, we expect that we will be able to clarify the processes and expectations, and thus set up the new PTA Board for success in the next academic year. With the anticipation of returning to some level of normalcy for community activities next year, the PTA is optimistic that everyone who has so kindly stepped up to volunteer will find fulfilling roles that are so crucial to meeting our aims of coming together to empower and celebrate the wonderful network of parents who fundraise, host events, donate time and expertise in order to enrich the ISB community.

To summarize: The AGM is now to be held in person, on 31 May, 2022. We will communicate the time and venue next week. The existing, slated nominees for vacant positions on the Executive Board remain the same.

The Slated Nominees for the ISB PTA Board 2022/2023 are:-

Joyce Carlyle, Clare Chen, Milani Eppler, Pannarai Futrakul, Beatriz Mayer, Manique McRae, Sophie Nie, Orajit Pongpa- Ngan, Monika Rodgers, Nicole Serafini, Apiphawadee Snidvongs, Aod Somsak, Dunke Tostevin, Kochaporn Werojn, Qian Wu, Caihong Zhou 

Thank you for volunteering!

ISB PTA Executicve Board 2021/2022

 PTA Constitution and By-Laws

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