Natural World Art Exhibition

Semester 1  2-D Artworks 
2021-2022 SY
2 May – 2 June  2022

In response to starting the school year virtually, middle school students focused on the theme of the Natural World in 2-D Art. They worked on creative challenges in their home studios and upon returning to campus worked in printmaking, cyanotype, watercolor, and collage. 

These young artists also looked closely at the following questions: 

How do artists get ideas?

What impact do I want my work to have on its audience? 

In this unit students were empowered to discover their own unique connections to the Natural World. Spending time to fill their creative bank account, they closely observed and drew pinecones, leaves, flowers, shells, and other objects from nature. They experimented and took risks with the media mentioned above while also honing their skills and staying curious. Students also learned about other artists whose work focuses on a similar theme, including: Andrea Wan, Emma Larsson, Jitish Kallat, Ekartina Smirnova, Peggy Macnamara, and Remedios Varo. 

We invite you to enjoy works from their creative process as well as the final pieces inspired by the Natural World. Visit the exhibition in the Main Library to see these creations in person. 

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