Visiting Artist: Khun Nucharin Wangphongsawsd

Middle School Art 

We are thrilled to have Khun Nucharin Wangphongsawsd working with middle school 3-D Art students starting next week. Khun Nucharin is an artist specializing in wood. Her works are inspired by repetitive patterns from both nature and manmade objects, driven by an exploration of forms in the creation of each piece. She focuses on experimentation with different types of repetition and progressions through different woodworking techniques, to create a body of work which shares her feelings, memories and life experiences with her  audience.

Students will be creating artworks out of wood veneer around the concept of “Cradle and Closure”. This is an opportunity for these young artists to use the creative process to make meaning of their COVID experiences. Stay tuned for more information about when and where their work will be exhibited. 

Link to poster is here.

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