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MS Schedule for next week

The upcoming week is an exciting one, featuring our MS Drama Production, the short comedy: “10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse” on Wednesday and Thursday. After weeks of production planning and rehearsal we are excited to see these performances. We hope family and friends can make it to the CCT on either of these days.

  • Monday, May 9 – Day 1
  • Tuesday, May 10 – Day 2
  • Wednesday, May 11 – Day 3 (Drama Production, 3:30 PM)
  • Thursday, May 12 – Day 4 (Drama Production, 6:00 PM)
  • Friday, May 13 – Day 5


MAP Testing in MS 

Over the last two days, Middle School students have taken the MAP test. This “Spring” term window will allow students and teachers to look at growth over the course of the year in Math and Reading. While the tests represent a single day “snapshot” of student learning, they can often be a helpful data point for the student.

If your child missed one of the test days, we will schedule them to take the test next week. For students who did not quite finish (very few), we have allocated time after school for the students to finish. We arrange this directly with the student.

Results will be available once the testing window closes, which will be after all other ISB students in the ES complete their MAP testing for the Spring.


Save the Dates – Upcoming MS Events 

As we are wrapping up the year, we want to be sure parents are aware of some dates that we are holding and preparing for:

  • May 11 & 12 – MS Drama Production
  • May 24th – MS Band Concert
  • May 25-27 – Grade 8 Overnight Trip (3 days / 2 nights)
  • June 1 – MS Choir/Strings Concert
  • June 10 – MS Olympics
  • June 16 – Grade 8 Moving On Ceremony
  • June 17 – Last Day of School (dismissal at 11:30 AM)


ATK boxes delivered 

This week we distributed boxes of ATKs to MS students. If they have not been handed over to you, please check with your child. If your child was absent this week, we will give them to your child next week. 

This time the tests were packed individually (the company seems to expect more single sales in the future – a good sign), so students likely received 11 individual tests to carry them through the remainder of the year.


MS Spring “Zombies” Play Ticket on Sale!! 

Tickets on Sale for May 11th and 12th Performances of MS Spring “Zombies” Play

Tickets will be on sale before school and during MS lunch today through May 12th, or until they are gone. Please note tickets will not be available at the door and that access to campus is still limited to ISB families only.


Visiting Artist: Khun Nucharin Wangphongsawsd 

Middle School Art 

We are thrilled to have Khun Nucharin Wangphongsawsd working with middle school 3-D Art students starting next week. Khun Nucharin is an artist specializing in wood. Her works are inspired by repetitive patterns from both nature and manmade objects, driven by an exploration of forms in the creation of each piece. She focuses on experimentation with different types of repetition and progressions through different woodworking techniques, to create a body of work which shares her feelings, memories and life experiences with her  audience.

Students will be creating artworks out of wood veneer around the concept of “Cradle and Closure”. This is an opportunity for these young artists to use the creative process to make meaning of their COVID experiences. Stay tuned for more information about when and where their work will be exhibited. 

Link to poster is here.


Legs 4 Legs May 23rd & 24th CCT

The annual Legs 4 Legs charity event will be LIVE this year in CCT 

on May 23rd & 24th @ 3:30 – 4:30. Help raise money and awareness for the 

Thailand Prostheses Foundation while enjoying performances from the ISB community! 

Deadline to submit the interest form is FRI, MAY 6. 


Natural World Art Exhibition 

Semester 1  2-D Artworks

2021-2022 SY

2 May – 2 June  2022

In response to starting the school year virtually, middle school students focused on the theme of the Natural World in 2-D Art. They worked on creative challenges in their home studios and upon returning to campus worked in printmaking, cyanotype, watercolor, and collage.

These young artists also looked closely at the following questions:

How do artists get ideas?

What impact do I want my work to have on its audience?

In this unit students were empowered to discover their own unique connections to the Natural World. Spending time to fill their creative bank account, they closely observed and drew pinecones, leaves, flowers, shells, and other objects from nature. They experimented and took risks with the media mentioned above while also honing their skills and staying curious. Students also learned about other artists whose work focuses on a similar theme, including: Andrea Wan, Emma Larsson, Jitish Kallat, Ekartina Smirnova, Peggy Macnamara, and Remedios Varo.

We invite you to enjoy works from their creative process as well as the final pieces inspired by the Natural World. Visit the exhibition in the Main Library to see these creations in person.



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