Spring MAP testing dates – 2022

MS students will take the NWEA Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP) test in Math and Reading on May 5 and 6, 2022.

As you may have read in the All-School eNews, MAP assessments are computer-based tests that assess students with a baseline question and then adjust subsequent questions to appropriately challenge each student.  The testing data provides a snapshot of what the student can do at a specific time of the year. This information is useful to our teachers as they decide how to differentiate the learning experience for their students.

Your child does not need to prepare for the MAP tests, nor should they worry or be anxious about taking this test.  We do recommend that all students get a good night’s sleep before the tests and that they eat a healthy breakfast before coming to school. All students will need their laptops for the testing sessions.  Students should have a book to read in case they finish their test early.

If you have concerns about your child taking the MAP assessments, please reach out to your child’s counselor (Kevin Nelson, kevinn@isb.ac.th G6, G7 or Colleen Coady, colleenc@isb.ac.th G7, G8).

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