Head of School Search Update

Dear ISB Community, 

We would like to update you on an important issue for our community. Following the decision by our current Head of School, Dr. Davies, to depart ISB in June 2023, the Board of Trustees has been leading a search process to hire a new Head of School beginning with the 2023/24 school year. 

The Board initially established a Head of School Search Committee, chaired by Mr. Ira Blumenthal and including Andy Richter, Rangana Abdulla, Maes Suwantra and Nitawan Leophairatana and Juniper Neill. After a thorough review of available globally recognized search firms, the Search Committee recommended to the Board that we enlist the services of Search Associates

The ISB Head of School position description was developed (please click here for details) and advertised worldwide through the Search Associates website and other channels. 

Interest in the position is strong and currently close to 40 applicants have expressed interest. Search Associates conducted a thorough first review, including interviews, in order to make a recommendation to the Search Committee of the top ranked candidates they recommend to the next stage of the selection process. 

The Search Committee carefully evaluated Search Associate’s recommendations and ranking, and made a recommendation to the Board to advance specific candidates to the next stage, which will entail virtual interviews with the full Board, after which recommendations will be made on which candidates should be invited to campus for in-person interviews and meetings with ISB stakeholder groups. The Board takes very seriously the input and feedback from our community members and we anticipate holding meetings in late May, 2022 for top candidates and the following groups: 

ISB leadership, faculty, classified staff, students and parents. Resumes and other documents will be provided to ISB community members prior to the interviews. 

We will be in touch regarding the next stage of on-campus interviews and look forward to actively engaging our community in that process. 


Ira Blumenthal (Board Member and Chair of Head of School Search Committee) Andy Richter, Chair – ISB Board of Trustees

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