Message from HS Principal

Justin Alexander

Welcome back everyone! I hope that you all enjoyed a relaxing and safe Songkran break last week and are looking forward to the lead-up to the Summer break. It has been a busy and exciting week on campus with a number of activities and events to keep our students excited and energized. We kicked the week off with the Celebration of Service awards night recognizing more than 90 High School students who have been strong and committed service leaders over the course of the year. This week was also service week, where many of our service clubs continued to raise awareness (and funds) for the community service group that they are supporting.  

Thursday night was the celebration for our Season three athletes who had enjoyed the most ‘normal’ season of the school year with games and tournaments taking place. We look forward to more games and events in the new school year for sure. Congratulations to everyone involved in the ‘HS Musical’ which opened on Thursday night with great reviews. I am attending this evening’s performance so cannot say any more until I see them in action tonight. 

Seniors: IB and AP exams are fast approaching and in between study and review sessions with teachers, our seniors are enjoying their last few days of school together with some dress-up days and a countdown for their last full day on campus together (Tuesday). Please join me in wishing them all the best with their studies and with the final preparations for their exams. This class has certainly faced a lot of disruption and uncertainty over the past few years but they have shown great resilience and positivity as they continued with their learning. 

Good luck everyone
Justin Alexander
High School Principal

We are continuing to monitor our absences due to Covid and can report that HS cases have continued to stay at a manageable level and indeed the total number of absences today is the lowest number for some time. You can see the numbers for the past few weeks on this chart. Please do be sure to contact the Health team and me asap if your child does test positive so we can check on close contacts and let teachers know about absences.

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