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Message from HS Principal

Justin Alexander

Welcome back everyone! I hope that you all enjoyed a relaxing and safe Songkran break last week and are looking forward to the lead-up to the Summer break. It has been a busy and exciting week on campus with a number of activities and events to keep our students excited and energized. We kicked the week off with the Celebration of Service awards night recognizing more than 90 High School students who have been strong and committed service leaders over the course of the year. This week was also service week, where many of our service clubs continued to raise awareness (and funds) for the community service group that they are supporting.  

Thursday night was the celebration for our Season three athletes who had enjoyed the most ‘normal’ season of the school year with games and tournaments taking place. We look forward to more games and events in the new school year for sure. Congratulations to everyone involved in the ‘HS Musical’ which opened on Thursday night with great reviews. I am attending this evening’s performance so cannot say any more until I see them in action tonight. 

Seniors: IB and AP exams are fast approaching and in between study and review sessions with teachers, our seniors are enjoying their last few days of school together with some dress-up days and a countdown for their last full day on campus together (Tuesday). Please join me in wishing them all the best with their studies and with the final preparations for their exams. This class has certainly faced a lot of disruption and uncertainty over the past few years but they have shown great resilience and positivity as they continued with their learning. 

Good luck everyone
Justin Alexander
High School Principal

We are continuing to monitor our absences due to Covid and can report that HS cases have continued to stay at a manageable level and indeed the total number of absences today is the lowest number for some time. You can see the numbers for the past few weeks on this chart. Please do be sure to contact the Health team and me asap if your child does test positive so we can check on close contacts and let teachers know about absences. 




ATK Kit Distribution

Andy Vaughan
The current supply of ATK’s will run out on Sunday 8 May. As the majority of Seniors will finish classes on Tuesday with IB exams starting at the end of next week, Seniors will receive their final set of ATK’s on Monday 25 April, which should last them through until they Graduate.

If you have a Grade 9-11 student, please expect your child to bring these home on Monday/Tuesday 2nd/3rd May.

As a reminder, ATK’s supplied to each child is based on their use only at the scheduled and required ISB times (Sun/Wed). If ATK’s provided by the school have been used by families for additional testing purposes, then we ask for you to replenish them yourself by purchasing ATK’s from a local pharmacy.


Class of 2023 IB Matters Webinar – 27th April @ 10:30 AM

Justyna McMillan

We would like to invite Gr11 parents with children who are enrolled in IB Diploma courses to attend a Webinar called IB Matters. We hope to clarify any questions that parents may have regarding the IB’s decision to go back to the full curriculum and assessment suite for the class of 2023. 

This webinar will take place on zoom at 10:30 on Wednesday 27th  of April.

To register for this webinar please use the information below:

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Apr 27, 2022 10:30 AM Bangkok

Topic: IB Matters Class of 2023 Parent Webinar

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.



May 23rd-27th Exams for Grades 9-11

Justyna McMillan

Exams for Grades 9-11 are currently scheduled for May 23-27th. 

The full 5 days of exams will be used for our Grade 11 IB students as the first real practice opportunity for this type of test in an exam-like setting.

Students in Grades 9 and 10 will have exams Monday 23rd through Wednesday 25th May and will be back in school for lessons Thursday 26th and Friday 27th May. 

Individual student exam schedules have been posted on PowerSchool. Please check in Grades and Attendance for the schedule.  

HERE is an overall schedule of exams. Further information such as duration of exams, room assignments etc. will be shared in the next couple of weeks. 


News From University Counselors

Debbie McDowell


Welcome back! We hope everyone had a safe and happy Songkron!

The first ever IASAS Virtual University Fair was a great success. Thank you to Mr. Nichols for his organization on behalf of ISB students! Many juniors were able to connect with university representatives and find out more about programs at various institutions. Now is the time for the grade 11 students to be doing in depth research about universities and programs. Any student with questions is encouraged to reach out to their university counselor. 

In Senior Seminar this week, the university counselors hosted 11 former ISB students to participate in a live alumni panel discussion for the seniors.  It was great to reconnect with the ISB alumni and hear their stories and advice. The graduates are attending school in the US, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Thailand and Singapore. We believe this was a great opportunity for the seniors to start imagining themselves at university and thinking about the transition. Thanks to our grads! Just goes to show you: Once a panther, always a panther!

Seniors begin their IB exams next week! But before that, most of them need to make a deposit at the university of their choice.  All US universities expect a deposit and commitment to attend by 1 May. In the UK, Canada and other countries, the universities have a deadline by which students must submit their deposit. Students may deposit at only one university (worldwide). They may not deposit at multiple universities. If your child has any questions about selecting the university to attend, depositing at a university, what to do about a waitlist, etc, please have them reach out to their counselor. 

We wish the seniors the best on their IB exams.  This is the culmination of all of their hard work and we are certain that they will successfully demonstrate their learning.  

Parent Coffees Continue!

The next Parent Coffee will be on 25 April @ 9:00 AM and the topic will be Financing University Studies.  This presentation will be virtual and you can join by clicking on this link

The final Parent Coffee of the year will be on Friday, 20 May, @ 9:00 AM in the MS Skybox. We will return to campus for one last meeting before the year ends.  The focus of the meeting will be “Year in Review and Open Forum”. Watch this space for a link to fill out a form to submit your questions for the university Counselors. So mark your calendar! We hope you will join us for the last Parent Coffee of this year!

To enter campus parents must:

  • Have a current ISB ID card
  • Have taken an ATK and completed the declaration form on
    • Wednesday evening (4:00 – 8:00 PM) for access Thursday – Sunday
  • While on campus parents must adhere to the ISB mask policy. This means that a mask must be worn the entire time on campus.
  • Parents must follow the physical distancing guidelines as set by ISB
  • Food and drink are only to be consumed in designated areas.  This includes anything you may bring with you.
  • Parents must purchase their own ATK for testing purposes

As our community is aware, it is critical that we are all following strict COVID preventive measures as encouraged by the Ministry of Public Health.  Currently WE ARE NOT extending this open access to other family members / family helpers. 

The Juniors have been busy since their last meeting with counselors. The week before Songkran, they requested letters of recommendation from two teachers.  This week they have completed the Brag Sheet for their teachers. All of this has been loaded into Maia Learning and they should be set for recommendations for their university applications next year. In addition, students learned about essay writing for university applications and were given an assignment to submit a draft essay by the 26th of April to their university counselor. Next week in Junior Seminar, the students will be registering for the Common Application and the UCAS Hub accounts. Students are encouraged to continue to do in depth research into the universities and educational systems in the countries in which they are interested in attending university. 

University Visits

On campus visit: On Monday, 25 April, SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern will be on campus to meet with interested students @ 12:40 in the HS Conference Room. Please encourage your child to join the meeting if they are interested in Hotel Management, Luxury Marketing or related fields. 

Virtual university visits: Be sure to check the Virtual University Visit list for university presentations that are available for students and families to join. 

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings of Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.



News from HS Counselors

Shannon Leoni

At ISB we care deeply about the well-being of our students. To help us meet our mission to support them in leading healthy, active and balanced lives, all students in Grades 9, 10, and 11 will complete the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) during Advisory on May 2. 

Why is the questionnaire being administered?

The purpose of this questionnaire is to:

  • Identify students who require immediate support 
  • Identify students who are struggling with social/emotional/behavioral issues in order to provide appropriate early intervention/prevention support 
  • Obtain an overview of the social/emotional/behavioral needs at our school to ensure that we are providing optimal support for our students

How and when will the questionnaire be administered?

The online questionnaire will be administered during your child’s Advisory and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey items are available for you to review here.

How will the results be used?

  • The data collected will be managed, analyzed, and reported by a team including the school counselors, school psychologists and the Director of Student Services in accordance with the ISB Confidentiality Policy. 
  • Individual student responses to the questionnaire are confidential. Any concerns raised through the survey administration process will be shared only with school personnel involved in supporting that student.
  • The questionnaire administration process has been designed to identify specific students who need additional support. The survey will be conducted electronically and students’ names will be captured along with their responses. ISB counselors will meet with any student whose responses indicate a need for follow up and parents will be notified. 
  • School counselors, school psychologists, and administrators will analyze overall trends to help improve student support at ISB. 
  • In completing this questionnaire your child will have an opportunity to privately reflect on his/her current social emotional health and wellness. Some parents may choose to use the questionnaire as an opportunity to create dialogue related to social emotional wellbeing topics with their child following completion of the survey. 

Does my child have to complete the questionnaire?

No. As a parent or guardian, you can opt out of having your child complete this questionnaire. Students will be informed that they may choose to skip any questions that they do not feel comfortable answering. 

Parents/Guardians who do not want their child to take the survey should let their child’s school counselor know by phone or in writing prior to the administration of the SDQ. ISB will assume parent/guardian consent to their child participating unless the school counselor has been notified. Parents do not have to do anything unless they do not want their child to participate.  

Thank you so much for your support with this important project.

The ISB Counseling Team

High School Counselors:
Jackie Valenzuela  (
Kevin Callahan (
Shannon Leoni (


MS and HS School Psychologist:
Ryan Ruhl (

Director of Student Services:
Keith Collins (

HS Dean of Students Principal:
Andy Vaughan (



Peter Assimakopoulos

Dear Parents, 

 We are well underway with our DELVE planning and are excited to host an array of trips this year. 

IMPORTANT Permission Form Details

You will receive a form/email from Operoo asking you to complete the Parent Permission Form today. Before you click on “respond now” in the email from Operoo, have a look at the video linked in the next paragraph.  Please note, any updates to your contact details and/or student medical information should be made in PowerSchool.

For the Parent Permission Form  have a look at the instructional video attached providing you with step-by-step instructions on how to complete the form. Once you have logged in,there should be a form with your child’s trip name for you to complete. For example, “DELVE – “name of trip” – Overnight/Day Trip Permission / Medical Form”

Once you have accessed the form, have a quick read, confirm, sign, and submit. Please complete the form on or before Saturday, April 30th, 2022. 



Additionally, with the upcoming DELVE trips in May, it is important that your child is adequately immunised for these trips. For your reference, please see attached list of recommended vaccines from International SOS Bangkok for the areas your child may be travelling to during DELVE.

Please note the following;

  • vaccines listed are recommended and not compulsory.
  • childhood vaccines should be up to date, especially tetanus.
  • your child will need to consult with a physician of your choice before vaccines are prescribed and administered. Please ensure you take your child’s vaccination record with you as this history is important. 
  • your child must be well to receive any vaccines.

In the past, families have gone to AETNA Family Clinic in Nichada to get a consultation and vaccines. Please call 02 960 4216 to make an appointment in advance and please note that not all vaccines are stocked and may have to be ordered.

 ISB has no formal affiliation with AETNA and any queries or questions should be handled with the clinic directly.  

Payment Details

Payment opens today, The payment deadline is April 29, 2022. For payment methods, we are able to offer two options as follows:

  • Payment at the ISB cashier in Baht or via visa/mastercard. 
  • Online via our Online Payment Gateway. You have the option to pay through Bank Transfer, Credit Card or over the counter. For online payment options, please check on the email sent on Friday, April 8, 2022. There is a unique payment link attached to this email. 

Official Invoice/Support Letter

For businesses that require a letter or official invoice of support for DELVE costs, please email Khun Pat (Patarin Boonswad) directly ( and this will be prepared within 3-5 business days.

Please feel free to send any questions directly to Peter Assimakopoulos ( or direct to the Lead Sponsors of your child’s trip. 

Kind regards,
Peter Assimakopoulos & Pat Boonswad

CAS and Service Learning Coordinator & HS Activities and DELVE Secretary.


News from HS Library
Christopher Bell

Please click News from HS Library




Anthony Giles

The few tickets remaining will be sold at the front of school 30 minutes before the Thursday and Saturday shows only. (200THB per person)

Please note that access to campus for all three shows is limited to ISB families and staff only and is linked with a valid ISB ID, negative ATK test, and COVID disclosure statement. 


6:30pm April 21st

6:30pm April 22nd SOLD OUT!!!

2:00pm April 23rd

Chevron Theater



Invention Center Saturday April 23rd. Check it out!!!

Anthony Giles

In honor of Earth Day come to the Invention Center on Saturday, April 23rd from 10am-12pm and make a chess/checkers set from reused materials. This project is free and open to any middle or high school students. Contact Travis Dynes at to sign up. We will have space and materials available for the first 10 students that register.


BOrCh (Band, Orchestra, Choir) Concert

Anthony Giles

ISB HS Music Department Presents the annual BOrCH (Band, Orchestra, Choir) Concert! This year, we will be celebrating a variety of works; from Howl’s Moving Castle, to songs reflecting on MLK and combining for a collaborative medley of songs by the rock group, Queen. Please come out and join our Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, and Choir on Tuesday, April 26th at 6:30pm in Chevron.

Please note that access for this event is limited to

ISB families and staff only and is linked with a valid ISB ID, 

negative ATK test, and COVID disclosure statement. House opens 30 minutes before the concert and seating is limited.


HS IB Visual Art Exhibition – April 5-30, 2022 CC Gallery (Repeat)

Anthony Giles

ISB is very proud to present its annual IB Visual Arts Exhibition from April 5-3o in the CC Gallery. This final exhibition is the culmination of our students’ IB experiences over the past 2 years. They have curated a selection of their artwork showcasing a variety of different media including painting, drawing, photography, digital art, ceramics, and film. Please come by anytime throughout the month to see the masterpieces created by our talented students.


ISB Summer School 2022 – Registration is now open! (Repeat)

Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo

Our ISB Summer School Office is now open!  Summer School will be held Monday, June 20 to Tuesday, July 12th this year. All information about programs, courses, specific dates, fees, and registration process is now available on our website.

Early Bird reduced tuition fees are available until April 29th so register early!

Our Summer School Office is located in the Chevron Theater Foyer next to the Cashier Office. Khun Fon, our Summer School Office Secretary is there to greet and assist you 7:00am – 2:45pm Monday to Friday.

For any questions, please email

Best Regards,
Mr. Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo
ISB Summer School Director





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