News from HS Counselors

Shannon Leoni

We made it! A very happy and well-deserved Songkran break. This time of year, more than ever, it’s really important to take time for self-care, whatever that looks like for students. We’ve had a unique and at times challenging school year, and this break comes at the perfect time to take a breath, and to look ahead to the rest of the year. 

For those that want to explore other ways to recharge, there are great tips in this Harvard Business Review article, and reminds us that taking a break doesn’t necessarily mean just getting off devices. It can also mean getting some exercise outdoors, challenging your brain with something different (solving mental puzzles, or doing an actual puzzle),  creating, listening or performing music, organizing a room or part of your home, and checking out some cognitive activities (the now infamous Wordle, Words with Friends, etc).  Our hope is that students try something new this break and embrace the free time that we really need this time of year. 

Counselors are more than happy to check in with students upon our return from break. We look forward to collaborating and supporting one another in the latter half of this school year.

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