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Happy Songkran

Justin Alexander

The holiday is here and our students (and teachers) are ready for a break. Whilst the Grade 9-11 students will be truly resting, our seniors may still be spending some time preparing for the final exams coming up in late April. We wish them all the best with their studies. 

We were once again, pleased to be able to welcome parents on campus this week to celebrate student work and watch our compete and perform. Congratulations to our IB art students for their wonderful work on display at the IB Art Exhibition hosted in the Cultural Centre Foyer. The exhibition is open until April 30, so please do come along and have a look. 

Congratulations to our season three athletes (Track and Field, Golf, Badminton, Softball, and Baseball) for their culminating events held during the week. All teams experienced great success and once again, we are so happy to see them performing and competing against other schools.  Tickets are on sale for the upcoming HS musical entitled ‘HS Musical’ which will be a lot of fun for the audience.

We are continuing to monitor our absences due to Covid and can report that HS cases have continued to stay at a manageable level and indeed the total number of absences today is the lowest number for some time. You can see the numbers for the past few weeks on this chart. Please do be sure to contact the Health team and me asap if your child does test positive so we can check on close contacts and let teachers know about absences. 

Have a wonderful Songkran break and stay safe and stay well

RegardsJustin Alexander

Mid Semester Comments for Grades 9 -11

Justyna McMillan

Mid Semester comments will be posted  on PowerSchool by the end of day on Tuesday April 12th, for students in Grades 9-11. To access the comments please go to Grades and Attendance and download the report. 

The primary purpose of these comments is to communicate progress in learning to both students and parents. We encourage all students to use these comments to adjust individual learning goals and ensure success for the remainder of the semester. 

The next overall Grade in Progress will be posted on May 6th. 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your child’s teacher or the Dean of Academics. 


Class of 2023 IB Matters Webinar – 27th April @ 10:30 AM

Justyna McMillan

Please save the date for a parent webinar aimed at Gr11 parents, whose children are enrolled in IB Diploma courses. We hope to clarify any questions that parents may have regarding the IB’s decision to go back to the full curriculum and assessment suite for the class of 2023. 

This webinar will take place on zoom at 10:30 on Wednesday 27th  of April. We will send the Webinar link to register, after the Songkran break. 


News from the University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

The University Counselors have had a busy week!  

Thank you to the grade 10 parents and students who attended the Grade 10 Family University Night presentation on Tuesday. It was an exceptionally positive crowd and well appreciated by the university counselors! 

We also had a very nice turn out for the Grade 12 Parents Letting Go presentation on Thursday.  We enjoyed having parents on campus to discuss the transition process for seniors and their families.  

On campus university visit: Boston University was on campus to meet with interested students. It’s nice to reconnect with the university admissions officers and for our students to have the opportunity to speak to them directly.  Ask  your child if they attended. 

And, on Thursday afternoon, it was wonderful to have Mr. Christopher Doege from the US Embassy’s Consular Office on campus to present to parents and students about the visa process for non US citizens who will attend university in the US. Thanks to Mr. Doege for his time and support of ISB!

All of the ISB presentations and/or recordings can be found at the ISB University Counseling website on the recordings tab.  

Class of 2023

Over 100 universities from around the world will be present to speak to students from the six IASAS schools. This fair is dedicated to only grade 11 students at ISB, ISKL, TAS, ISM, JIS, SAS!  Students have received the registration information and links through their school emails. If your child is interested in participating in this event, please encourage her/him to complete the form as soon as possible. The deadline to register is Wednesday, April 13th.  

VIRTUAL FAIR DATES: Tuesday, April 19th and Wednesday, April 20th

TIME: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM (Bangkok time) on both nights

EVENT PLATFORM: Airmeet. More information about the Airmeet Platform will be provided after your registration is confirmed.


GENTLE REMINDER: We kindly ask that only Grade 11 students register for the fair.  If parents would like to join their child during the event, they will need to be in front of the same laptop or computer.

 SAT Registration: Registration deadline for the May SAT is TODAY, 8 April. SAT registration deadline for the 7 May test is 8 April!  Any grade 11 student wanting to take the SAT in May must register on the College Board website by 8 April. Instructions on how to register for the test and to be able to take it at ISB can be found on the university counseling website on the testing tab.

Class of 2022

The last Senior Seminar will be the week after Songkran on Tuesday, 19 April. We will be hosting ISB graduates in a live panel discussion with the seniors.  We look forward to hearing from the former students and what insights they can offer to the soon to be graduates!

Parent Coffees Continue!

The next Parent Coffee will be on 25 April @ 9:00 AM and the topic will be Financing University Studies.  Watch this space for details!

University Visits

Virtual university visits: Be sure to check the Virtual University Visit list for university presentations that are available for students and families to join. 

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings of Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.

Have a happy and safe Songkran!




News from HS Counselors

Shannon Leoni

We made it! A very happy and well-deserved Songkran break. This time of year, more than ever, it’s really important to take time for self-care, whatever that looks like for students. We’ve had a unique and at times challenging school year, and this break comes at the perfect time to take a breath, and to look ahead to the rest of the year. 

For those that want to explore other ways to recharge, there are great tips in this Harvard Business Review article, and reminds us that taking a break doesn’t necessarily mean just getting off devices. It can also mean getting some exercise outdoors, challenging your brain with something different (solving mental puzzles, or doing an actual puzzle),  creating, listening or performing music, organizing a room or part of your home, and checking out some cognitive activities (the now infamous Wordle, Words with Friends, etc).  Our hope is that students try something new this break and embrace the free time that we really need this time of year. 

Counselors are more than happy to check in with students upon our return from break. We look forward to collaborating and supporting one another in the latter half of this school year.


News from the Athletic

Chris Mott

Upcoming events 

Thursday 21st April:  Season Three JV/Varsity Sports Banquet


News from HS Library

Christopher Bell


Please click News from HS Library


BOrCh (Band, Orchestra, Choir) Concert

Anthony Giles

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 6:30 pm – Chevron Theatre

ISB HS Music Department Presents the annual BOrCH (Band, Orchestra, Choir) Concert! This year, we will be celebrating a variety of works; from Howl’s Moving Castle, to songs reflecting on MLK and combining for a collaborative medley of songs by the rock group, Queen. Please come out and join our Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, and Choir on Tuesday, April 26th at 6:30pm in Chevron.


High School Musical (Repeat)

Anthony Giles



Weekdays April 7th-22nd

(200THB per person)

Before School at the Panther 

During HS Lunch in the Cafeteria



6:30pm April 21st

6:30pm April 22nd

2:00pm April 23rd

Chevron Theater


HS IB Visual Art Exhibition – April 5-30, 2022 CC Gallery (Repeat)

Anthony Giles

ISB is very proud to present its annual IB Visual Arts Exhibition from April 5-3o in the CC Gallery. This final exhibition is the culmination of our students’ IB experiences over the past 2 years. They have curated a selection of their artwork showcasing a variety of different media including painting, drawing, photography, digital art, ceramics, and film. Please come by anytime throughout the month to see the masterpieces created by our talented students.



ISB Summer School 2022 – Registration is now open! (Repeat)

Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo

Our ISB Summer School Office is now open!  Summer School will be held Monday, June 20 to Tuesday, July 12th this year. All information about programs, courses, specific dates, fees, and registration process is now available on our website.

Early Bird reduced tuition fees are available until April 29th so register early!

Our Summer School Office is located in the Chevron Theater Foyer next to the Cashier Office. Khun Fon, our Summer School Office Secretary is there to greet and assist you 7:00am – 2:45pm Monday to Friday.

For any questions, please email

Best Regards,
Mr. Maurilio (Moe) Baron-Toaldo
ISB Summer School Director



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