News from School Counselors

Shannon Leoni

As we inch closer to a much-needed Songkran break, counselors are continuing to check in with students to ensure they are finding the balance between focusing on school and self-care. Many of our conversations with students include talks on healthy sleep hygiene and regular routines, and making sure that students are prioritizing rest in addition to their other responsibilities. 

This is a tough time especially for our 11th and 12th graders, as the stress of exams weighs on the 12th graders and 11th graders are feeling the pressure of assessments and thinking of life after ISB.  Some students are hoping that their families won’t go anywhere for Songkran so that they can catch up on work and sleep!

As we draw slightly closer to the end of the school year, we are also reminding students to be prudent about overcommitting to events or activities. ISB is a wonderful place that has numerous opportunities for students to get involved, yet we also want students to maintain that balance between school life and home life. We are confident that students will continue to make the best of this school year, and we remain open and willing to chat with students about any issues that come up for them. Please do let us know if you have any concerns about your student’s well-being so we can collaborate on next steps to support them.

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