MS Covid Update – Tuesday, March 29th

Dear Middle School Community,

Since this past weekend, we have seen a rise in the number of positive COVID cases in the MS, particularly in Grade 8. With the help of our community, students testing positive have been identified and high risk close contacts determined and kept or sent home quickly. At this time we have our largest number of MS students who have been asked to stay home (mostly in Grade 8).

We felt that it was important to share an update about the number of these cases to avoid speculation and rumors circulating in the community about the number of students affected. 

Since Sunday evening March 27th, a total of 14 COVID positive MS student cases have been reported to us. Each of these cases was also connected to high-risk close contacts who were then asked to stay at home and isolate for 7 days (unless they’ve previously had COVID, in which case isolation is 3 days).  Currently, there are 28 MS students who are away from school as high-risk close contacts with either these positive students or with a household member that has recently tested positive (a parent or other household member).

Positive MS student cases reported: (total 14 since Sunday, March 27th)

  • Grade 6: 0 positive cases, 3 high risk close contacts
  • Grade 7: 0 positive cases, 2 high risk close contacts
  • Grade 8: 14 positive cases, 23 high risk close contacts

It appears at this stage that contact outside of school hours has been responsible for the positive cases and subsequent transmission. At this time we have not determined that any of these cases were from interactions at school. 

We will continue to follow safe COVID practices and protocols at school including mandatory mask-wearing. Please remember that if students are feeling unwell or have any symptoms please have them stay home. We will send students home should they experience symptoms at school.  We encourage families to remind students to wear masks and follow COVID safe practices outside of school as well, in order to reduce the chance of transmission. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 


Dennis Harter
MS Principal


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