Happy Birthday ISB!

Happy Birthday ISB! This month we celebrated a huge milestone in ISB History – our 70th anniversary.

We officially started our celebrations with a range of fun and exciting activities on March 22nd, starting with the ISB Logo Build on the soccer field by our Art Council students. After that, we enjoyed a symbolic tree planting to mark the 70 Trees for ISB, Green Panthers tree planting campaign, including a moving performance of ‘Be the Change’ by the Elementary School Choir and Orff Ensemble. Dr. Davies, our Head of School, also took over the school PA system to lead a rousing all-school singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ and announced the presence of delicious 70th birthday cupcakes for the whole school to enjoy at breaktime. The fun doesn’t just stop there as we have more treats and activities planned, restrictions permitting, over the next few months.

Watch as our students come together with the support of our wonderful B&G team, led by Mr Anthony Giles, Activities Director and others to create a pretty special display of our school logo and our latest promotional activity ‘#uniquelyISB’ – celebrating just a few of the unique aspects that make our school a wonderful place to learn, play, connect and be empowered. Just like the pieces of fabric we found in our school colours, our students, teachers, staff, parents, alumni, supporters and friends are all stitched together in our collective friendship, collaboration and the joy of learning together. Thank you to every member of the ISB community who continue to make ISB the Premier International School in Thailand #UniquelyISB

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