Weekly Message From Principal Allen

The ES Parent/Student Handbook is a great resource for parents and can be found on the ISB website via this link:

One portion of the handbook I’d like to draw your attention to is our Channels of Communication section.  We’re eager to partner and connect with parents on an ongoing basis…definitely reach out with any questions you might have!  As you can imagine, teachers must prioritize their time to focus on working directly with the students in their care during the school day, therefore we updated our communication guidelines to remind everyone that teachers are expected to respond to emails within 24 hours.  Please don’t expect an immediate response during the school day; for any type of emergency communication during the school day, please contact the ES office at 02 963 5800. 

As always, thank you for your partnership and commitment to ongoing communication with all of us at ISB!

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

Copied from the ES Parent/Student Handbook


ISB believes in clear and timely communication between school and parents.  ISB communicates with parents through a variety of methods. 

The following channels of communication are recommended:

  1. If you have a question or concern about your child’s learning or anything classroom related, please contact the teacher(s) directly.  Our teachers will be happy to meet with you, speak on the phone, or communicate by email. Teachers respond to emails (sent in a working week) within 24 hours. Teachers know your children the best and since they work most closely with your children they speak from a position of knowledge and can address any issues as soon as they arise. It also helps them know if your child has concerns they aren’t sharing. Our teachers welcome the opportunity to talk to you about  any concerns you may have. Teachers and parents alike want students to be learning and successful.
  2. The Head of the School is the normal channel of communication between the Board and the public. Questions about school policy should be directed to the Head of School. Normally, communications directed to the Board will be referred to the Head of School for reply or action. Individual Board Members shall refrain from directly involving themselves in administrative matters involving students, teachers and administrators.

From time to time, parents may have problems or concerns that they wish to bring to the attention of appropriate school officials. To assist parents in this regard, the following general guidelines may be helpful:

  • Any concern regarding a school-related matter should first be raised by the parent with the staff member most directly involved (i.e., questions regarding the content of instructional materials, home learning assignments, or social/emotional needs should be raised with the teacher involved.) 
  • If the matter remains unresolved, the parent may wish to speak with the division Principal.  Appointments can be scheduled by contacting the office of the Principal involved.
  • If the matter is still unresolved, the parent may wish to speak with the Head of School. For an appointment, simply contact the Head of School’s office.
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