ES e-News for March 25, 2022

ES Parent Feedback Due Monday!

As we want your child to flourish while attending ISB, your input as our partner in education is important.  If there is any important or relevant information that you think your classroom teacher or counselor may not have that you feel would be helpful to consider as we make classroom placement decisions for the 2022-23 school year, complete the 2022-23 Parent Class Placement Feedback Form (hard copies available in ES office) and submit it to the ES Office by Monday, March 28, 2022.  The information you provide will be taken into consideration by the Classroom Placement Team which includes the current and future grade level teams of teachers, counselors, and administration.

ES Music Ensembles Perform Live!

It was wonderful to have our Elementary School Choir performing together in person for a live audience during ISB’s 70th birthday celebrations this week! Visit the ISB Facebook page to view a video clip of their performance.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 Chakri Day/Professional Day

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 is Chakri Day. No school for students and classified staff. However, it is a professional day for teachers.  Classes resume on Thursday, April 7, 2022.  It will be an  ‘B’ day.

Songkran Shirts for the Assemblies – April 8

All students are invited to wear floral shirts to help celebrate during the annual Songkran Assemblies!  There will be two ES assemblies on April 8th. Due to space restrictions and safety regulations, parents don’t attend.

Weekly Message From Principal Allen 

The ES Parent/Student Handbook is a great resource for parents and can be found on the ISB website via this link:

One portion of the handbook I’d like to draw your attention to is our Channels of Communication section.  We’re eager to partner and connect with parents on an ongoing basis…definitely reach out with any questions you might have!  As you can imagine, teachers must prioritize their time to focus on working directly with the students in their care during the school day, therefore we updated our communication guidelines to remind everyone that teachers are expected to respond to emails within 24 hours.  Please don’t expect an immediate response during the school day; for any type of emergency communication during the school day, please contact the ES office at 02 963 5800. 

As always, thank you for your partnership and commitment to ongoing communication with all of us at ISB!

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.   

Copied from the ES Parent/Student Handbook


ISB believes in clear and timely communication between school and parents.  ISB communicates with parents through a variety of methods. 

The following channels of communication are recommended:

  1. If you have a question or concern about your child’s learning or anything classroom related, please contact the teacher(s) directly.  Our teachers will be happy to meet with you, speak on the phone, or communicate by email. Teachers respond to emails (sent in a working week) within 24 hours. Teachers know your children the best and since they work most closely with your children they speak from a position of knowledge and can address any issues as soon as they arise. It also helps them know if your child has concerns they aren’t sharing. Our teachers welcome the opportunity to talk to you about  any concerns you may have. Teachers and parents alike want students to be learning and successful.
  2. The Head of the School is the normal channel of communication between the Board and the public. Questions about school policy should be directed to the Head of School. Normally, communications directed to the Board will be referred to the Head of School for reply or action. Individual Board Members shall refrain from directly involving themselves in administrative matters involving students, teachers and administrators. 

From time to time, parents may have problems or concerns that they wish to bring to the attention of appropriate school officials. To assist parents in this regard, the following general guidelines may be helpful:

  • Any concern regarding a school-related matter should first be raised by the parent with the staff member most directly involved (i.e., questions regarding the content of instructional materials, home learning assignments, or social/emotional needs should be raised with the teacher involved.) 
  • If the matter remains unresolved, the parent may wish to speak with the division Principal.  Appointments can be scheduled by contacting the office of the Principal involved.
  • If the matter is still unresolved, the parent may wish to speak with the Head of School. For an appointment, simply contact the Head of School’s office.

Virtual Learning for Students Impacted by COVID

Virtual Learning occurs when campus is open and a few students are not able to come to campus (ie: in transit from another country, in quarantine, close contacts). Virtual learning occurs for students in the form of asynchronous learning tasks and assignments. As teachers customize the learning tasks to meet the needs of the child, there could be a delay in sending the tasks to families; we thank you in advance for your patience.  Balancing the needs of students both on and off campus has been one of our greatest challenges when we offer on campus and virtual learning. 

In order to support students unable to be on campus, Alex Sawaetwong has been assigned to be our Virtual Learning teacher. Ms. Alex leads synchronous Zoom sessions for students on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays when they are at home for COVID related reasons. If you are in need of any type of Virtual Learning support, please contact Ms. Alex know:  

Note: Students who are symptomatic are expected to rest and focus on getting better; they are marked as “sick” in PowerSchool are not required to complete virtual learning tasks nor attend synchronous sessions until they are feeling better. 

Virtual School and Virtual Learning Definitions
Virtual School is the model for learning when all students in a class are learning at home. Virtual School includes a daily schedule of synchronous sessions with homeroom and specialist teachers. Students who are not able to participate in virtual school Zoom sessions (ie. in transit or in another time zone) complete asynchronous learning tasks and assignments. 

Virtual Learning occurs when campus is open and a few students are not able to come to campus (ie: in transit from another country, in quarantine, close contacts). Virtual learning occurs for students in the form of asynchronous learning tasks and assignments. Synchronous check-ins are provided periodically during the week by a Virtual Learning teacher.  

PK2-Grade 5 PE Swimming News 

Our swimming unit in Physical Education (PE) is just around the corner.  We have a total of three sessions of swimming dates for Elementary School (PK2-Grade 5).  Please see the full ES swim schedule for all classes and sessions.  We will send a reminder to families on Seesaw when the time gets closer for that particular class to swim. When students are not swimming, they will continue with their regular PE lessons in the gym.

Students will be participating in a swimming and water safety unit as part of the Elementary PE Program.  This unit is designed to promote knowledge and skills in the areas of personal water safety, fundamental strokes, and simple water rescues.  There will be three swimming specialists along with Corry Day, ISB’s Aquatics Director, assisting the PE teacher with the swimming unit.  We will also have lifeguards on deck during every class.

The program is designed to help meet the needs of all students and is based on the American Red Cross Learn to Swim program.  Students will be screened and placed in a level that is developmentally appropriate based upon his or her current swimming ability.  

What to bring to PE:
Swimsuit, towel, and goggles clearly marked with the student’s name, to every PE lesson.  Girls are requested to wear a one-piece swimsuit.  UV (rash) protective shirts are permitted, but rash shirts need to be properly fitted, as loose rash shirts inhibit swimming efficiency.  Should a student forget to bring a swimsuit, towel, or goggles, they will be provided with one from the aquatics program to be used for the day and this will need to be returned at the end of class. 

Students with long hair need to wear a swim cap or tie their hair back for each lesson.  Students may bring their own sunscreen if they desire. 

In the event of inclement weather, students will have an alternate PE lesson so they need to come each day prepared in their normal PE attire, including athletic shoes and socks. Students may bring crocs or sandals in their swim bag should they choose to wear them after swimming class. 

Swimming is a part of the ISB PE curriculum and full participation is expected.  Any student who is unable to participate in class must inform the PE teacher in writing or via email.  If no notification is received prior to their PE class, they will be expected to participate. 

If you or your child have any questions about the swimming unit please do not hesitate to contact your child’s PE teacher. 

ES PE Team
Mr. Monte MAJOR <
Ms. Lindsay PERRY <>
Mr. Cameron PERRY <>

Summer School 2022 – Registrations are filling up fast…
Dear ES Parents,

Spaces available in our upcoming summer school ES academic classes are filling up fast! Click here to access all information about dates, programs, and fees, and to submit a registration form online.

For any questions, please email

Sunday & Wednesday ATK Testing

Students will be required to take ATK tests every Sunday and Wednesday between 4:00pm and 8:00pm – with results uploaded on the ATK Form within that same timeframe. The next ATK test is required on Sunday, March 27.  If you need assistance with the ATK Form, please write to

It is very important that all test results are entered into the ATK Form within the specified time in order to ensure campus access the following day. The ATK Form is linked to the ID cards and ISB turnstiles system.

ES Panther Explore

After School Activities are well underway. There are few limited spaces available in some of our classes. Remember once the ES Explore schedule begins there are NO REFUNDS. Most of  ES Explore classes have already hosted their 3rd session so there are no longer any changes permitted.

Please note that Chess classes (Monday and Tuesday) will resume on April 4th and 5th. 

Makeup class for Dodgeball will take place on May 30th. 
Makeup classes for Chess (Monday) will take place on May30th and June 6th. 
Makeup classes for Chess (Tuesday) will take place on May 31 and June  7.

I am in the office daily from 2:00pm – 4:00pm if you have any questions or concerns.

ES Cafeteria Menu

Please find the ES Cafeteria menu for next week linked here, and here is the menu for Allergen Free.

ISB Arts in March (ISBAM)
March 1st through 31st, 2022

25 IB Dance Madness
26 HS Battle in Bangkok Robotics Competition @ NIST
30 HS Jazz Nite II
31 ISBAM Artists Under the Stars & Arts Fest

Enjoy the Art!
Now that campus is open weekday afternoons from 3:45 and weekends, please visit the elementary, middle, and high school visual arts exhibits (locations listed here)  to see the amazing creations of our student artists, and how they have responded to the challenge of bringing their ideas to life in a variety of media, colors, and forms. Open now through the end of March. Enjoy the Art!

ISB Athletics News

Upcoming Events
GAME SCHEDULES can be found on the ISB Athletics Website
Saturday 26th March: BMAC JV Badminton @ NIST
Saturday 26th March: BMAC JV Softball @ BPS
Saturday 26th March: BMAC U12/U14 Track @ ISB
Saturday 26th March: BMAC U11 Track @ BPS
Sunday 27th March – NIST Varsity Badminton Invitational
Sunday 27th March – Patana Varsity Softball Invitational
Monday 28th March – U12 Soccer @ NIST
Wednesday 30th March – U14 Girls Soccer @ ICS
Saturday 2nd April – U11 Badminton @ ISB
Saturday 2nd April – U11 Mixed Touch @ ISB

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