Clarification regarding the last day of classes for Gr12 students.

Justyna McMillan

It has come to our attention that there is some confusion regarding the final day of classes for our Gr12 students. Tuesday April 26th is the last day of school for  full IB Diploma students and those taking 3 or more IB exams.

Students who are taking 2 or fewer IB exams, continue attending any non-IB classes up until Friday 13th May. Note: for any student with an IB/AP exam (AP class taught at ISB), two days of study leave prior to each exam, is provided. Students in this category will be contacted by the Dean of Academics, to make arrangements for the study leave period and to clarify when students need to be on campus. 

Below is a rationale for the different end dates for these two groups of students:

  • ISB has always differentiated between IB and semester classes.
  • IB classes finish as students are given study leave in preparation for the three week IB exam period from April 28th – May 20th. 
  • Semester classes running as long as possible, to allow course credit to be awarded and facilitate any final assessments.
  • Historically classes ran till the end of term with graduation on the last day of term; this moved forward with graduation moving forward.
  • This year’s date aligns with the Grade 12 grading period final date
  • The calendar print should have read:

“G12 Last Day of IB Classes”

This has been updated on the calendar and we apologise for the confusion caused. 

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