Panther Pops are Back Friday, Mar 25

Panther Pops Are Back Friday, March 25!!

Steeped in ISB tradition and packed with mouth-watering deliciousness, Panther Pops are set to make their return to campus for our regularly-scheduled, last-Friday-of-the-month sale on Friday, 25 March!

What is a Panther Pop? A Mars Bar candy bar baked inside a chocolate chip cookie on a stick. It must be experienced to truly understand the pleasure of eating one.

 Where do Panther Pops come from? The Panther Pop program is a monthly fundraising activity of ISB’s Booster Club, which uses the funds to support arts and athletics for our kids. Volunteer bakers (all ISB parents) bake the pops fresh each month with loving-care.

 Who Can Buy a Panther Pop? Pops (30 baht each) can be purchased by G2-G12 students. ES students may only buy one, and they are delivered to their classes at the end of the day to be enjoyed as an after-school treat. MS and HS students (and any adults) may buy as many as they wish to be eaten at their leisure.

Where are Panther Pops sold? Look for us outside the Booster Hut during your breaks, and for those wishing to use their ISB cards to buy a pop, head into the Booster Hut for your yummy purchase.

We’re so excited to be able to offer Panther Pops on campus again – come enjoy a treat and support our kids and school at the same time!

Questions? Feel free to contact me, Jamie Hawk (Panther Pop Coordinator), at with questions or if you’re interested in joining our

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