ISB Update -17 March 2022

Dear ISB Community,

We are aware of 3 students (0 ES, 0 MS, 3 HS) and 2 staff members who have reported testing positive on ATK or PCR tests since Sunday 13th March. Contact tracing has been completed and the school has followed up with the parents of students considered high risk close contacts. Recent cases have significantly declined and we hope this trend continues.  However, continuing to follow safety measures remains important for everyone (mask wearing, distancing, avoiding crowds and self isolating if positive or a close contact).

Student Vaccines

Please find an update to a previous e-mail communication in mid-February.  At this time, full dose Moderna Booster dose vaccines are still available for current ISB students who meet the age criteria.  We have not been given clearance from the Hospital for half-dose vaccines of Moderna.  Pfizer vaccines  (in various doses) are available through the government rollout at Bang Sue Vaccine Center for those 12 years and older.  The Nonthaburi province (as of yesterday) informed us of possible scheduling for Pfizer vaccines for the 5-11 age group, details will be shared to parents who have previously signed up.  This will likely be through a public venue.  For further details, please reach out to the ISB Health Center.

Parents on Campus

A reminder that parents are allowed on campus after 3:45pm Monday through Friday and on weekends to watch athletics and other activities. To enter campus, parents must:

  • Have a current ISB ID card
  • Have taken an ATK and completed the declaration form on
    • Sunday evening (4:00 – 8:00 PM) for access Monday – Wednesday
    • Wednesday evening (4:00 – 8:00 PM) for access Thursday – Sunday
    • Alternatively, you can take the ATK and fill-out the declaration form on the date of entering campus which will give you access until the next scheduled test time. (Sunday or Wednesday evening)
    • Please note that if ATK’s provided for students by the school are used for this purpose, then these need to be replaced at your own cost.
  • Wear a mask at all times
  • Maintain physical distancing
  • Eat/drink in designated dining areas only

If anyone has questions, please reach out to any of us listed below.

All the best,

Andy Davies (Head of School)
Dhave Setabutr, M.D., (Director of Health Center)
Usa Somboon (Headmistress)
Mark Hevland (Director of Risk Management)
Debi Caskey (Deputy Head of School for Learning)
Marc de Vries (Deputy Head of School/CFO)
Justin Alexander (HS Principal)
Dennis Harter (MS Principal)
Michael Allen (ES Principal)
John Leiner (Director of Admissions)


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