Two Powerful Days of Student-Led Conferences

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

The past two days have been another small step towards our return to ISB as a community hub and center of the partnership between home and school. We have enjoyed seeing parents on campus again, particularly in the context of seeing and hearing their children share their learning journey this year. 

As I moved about the building and spoke with parents and students, I heard wonderful conversations about learning, growth, and challenge. I also saw parents and students alike beaming with pride during and after a successful Student-Led Conference (SLC).

We understand that parents also appreciate hearing directly from teachers. There will be a chance to do so when teachers share individual feedback written comments for each students in a month’s time.

Now, however, our focus was on the learning that the SLC  provides, developing reflective learners, confident speakers, and positive self-advocates. We know that students develop these skills with instruction and practice. Experiences like this, each year, further improve students’ skills so that they grow into the kinds of learners who can reach their potential, reflect on their growth, and manage challenging situations.

Thank you for providing the most important audience for your children’s reflection and growth. Like you, we are so proud of our students!

While surveys are still coming in, here’s some initial parent feedback so far (after 251 responses) with over 97% agreement to these important statements:


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