News from University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

It has been a challenging week for many students, teachers and even the counselors. We hope that your family is doing well and that you are all healthy!  We wish the Seniors the best of luck on their Mock Exams this week and next!  We are sending all of them positive vibes!

SAT Test: ISB will be administering the SAT on Saturday, 12 March. Check-in will begin at 7:30AM; the test is scheduled to start at 8:00AM. The test will be in MPB 1/2/3 where students will be seated more than a meter apart. Students must properly wear their masks at all times. Each student that is scheduled to take the test on 12 March must have taken the regularly scheduled COVID ATK test on Wednesday, 9 March evening and the results must have been loaded in the system between 4 and 8 PM on that evening. Any student who does not follow the strict COVID guidelines will not be allowed to sit the test. Students must properly wear their masks at all times or they will be asked to leave the testing site and their test will be canceled with being scored. Any student who has tested positive for COVID or has been required to isolate due to close contact will not be allowed on campus for the test.  Students must reach out to the College Board to reschedule their test if that is the case for them.  In addition, all students must bring the following items with them to be admitted to campus and the test rooms:  School ID, National ID (passport or Thai national ID card), printed admissions ticket. Students are allowed to have a clear water bottle with them during testing; any snacks/food must be eaten in the HS Cafeteria during the breaks while students are seated at tables. No food can be consumed in the testing room or the hallways adjacent to the testing area.

Junior Led Conferences must be completed this month!

Counselors are continuing to meet with grade 11 students and parents. All grade 11 students should have already scheduled their required Junior Led Conference before the end of March with their university counselor and their parents. The meeting will be the starting point for the university research and selection process for each student and family. This is a mandatory meeting and both parents are expected to attend, in person or via zoom. If a parent wants to attend the meeting in person, please let the counselor know in advance of the meeting and an invitation to come on campus can be arranged (with proper Covid protocols.) The counselors look forward to hearing from the students about what their plans are for life after ISB!

Approximately 100 grade 10 students took the PSAT 10 on Tuesday. Thanks to all of them for their patience and cooperation to help the testing go well.  Scores will be delivered to the student by email in approximately 4-6 weeks. So please remind your child to keep an eye on their email for those results. 

Parent Coffees Continue!

Thanks to all those who joined the Applying to Hong Kong Parent Coffee on Monday. It was an excellent presentation by Ms Shrestha. You can see the recording and slides here

Be sure to join the university counselors on Monday, 14 March for the next Parent Coffee installment:  Studying in Australia. The presentation will be at 9:00 AM and parents can join by clicking on this link.  

Future Parent Coffees are scheduled for: 

21 March @ 10:00 AM: Japanese Community Meeting

23 March @ 9:00 AM: Korean Community Meeting

28 March @ 9:00 AM: Thai Community Meeting

31 March @ 9:00 AM: Chinese Community Meeting

25 April @ 9:00 AM:  Financing University Studies

Please watch this space for information about location, links and details. 

On campus university visits returned to ISB this week!  Two mini UK University Fairs were held on Monday and Tuesday with three UK universities at each event.  Students (and counselors) were thrilled to have the opportunity to meet in person with the admissions officers. Another on campus visit is scheduled for Wednesday, 16 MarchDurham University will be in the HS Conference room from 12:40-1:20 to speak to interested students.  

University Visits

Virtual university visits: Be sure to check the Virtual University Visit list for university presentations that are available for students and families to join. 

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings of Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.


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