News from HS Counselors

Kevin Callahan

Parent Teacher Conferences today, we hope that you had a chance to meet with your students’ teachers and get a good idea of what the rest of the year looks like and what success will look like for your student. 

Many parents (in any school) look first at their student’s grades to gauge their interest, learning, and performance, but often a better indicator of how engaged and motivated their student is, is how they approach their learning.  Have you looked at your student’s mark for Habits and Attitudes to Learning (HAL) lately?  “Consistent” and “Frequent” marks for HAL are closely correlated with school success and enjoyment; “Occasionally” and “Rarely” suggest some changes might be in order in the way that a student prepares for class and engages in the classroom.  Have a chat with your student about their HAL grades; it can be a good conversation without seeming like you’re “nagging” them about grades!

Have a safe and productive week.

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