Message from HS Principal 

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents

It was great to see you back on campus today at the student parent-teacher conferences. I hope that you were able to learn more about your child’s strengths, success, and areas for growth from their teachers. Sorry that we couldn’t allow both parents to attend the conferences, but we did want to keep the numbers to a safe level in the two gyms today. Thank you for your involvement and participation. 

As you will be aware we have been coping with a number of students that have tested positive for covid which has kept them and their close contacts out of school. This is not an ideal situation of course and has required a shift back to some of our earlier practices when students were at home. With that in mind, we wanted to clarify with teachers, students, and parents what we are doing to support students and what students are expected to do if they are at home due to covid related reasons.

For students that are home due to covid related reasons:

  • Teachers will post instructions/details on, or through google classroom prior to each scheduled class.
  • Students are required to be available/accessible and working during their scheduled class time.
  • Instructions for students at home (posted on google classroom) will provide details on how the teacher will actively engage with the student during that class period. This may include-
    • Joining the class on zoom at the beginning of the lesson and then being available in the zoom waiting room until the teacher is ready to speak with you.
    • Zoom at the beginning of the class for attendance/instructions and then break for independent work as directed by the teacher. 
    • Joining via zoom at a particular time during the lesson to conference, to ask questions, participate in a mini-lesson, etc.
    • Zoom at the beginning of class and stay on zoom for the entire lesson 
    • Instructions about how to interact with the teacher or classmates through another platform (google docs, jamboards, desmos etc) during the lesson time. 

Student Responsibilities for home learning (similar to previously shared in our virtual school documents)

  • Establish daily routines for engaging in learning experiences from home. This includes identifying a comfortable quiet space in your home where you can work effectively, dress appropriately, and be on time for each lesson. 
  • Check Google Classroom before the start of each lesson for learning instructions.
  • Be ‘present’ for the duration of each lesson. This includes being available to be on zoom, email, or other means of communication with the teacher during that lesson. 
  • Complete assignments with integrity and academic honesty, doing your best work. 
  • Complete work and meet timelines, learning commitments, and honor due dates.
  • Communicate proactively with your teachers if there is something you do not understand. or require additional support or anticipate a problem with a deadline.
  • Collaborate respectfully with your peers as per instructions from your teacher.
  • If you are ill and not able to participate in class then you need to contact your teacher in advance of your class to determine what you need to do for that lesson. 

Students that are at home because they are covid positive and ill. 

If a student is ill then we know that they will not be able to fully participate in class as they need to rest and recover. As we do for students that are normally sick and absent from class, we ask them to let the teacher know that they will be out due to illness. When they are able to re-engage with work, students can check google classroom for each class and see what they need to do in order to catch up. If there are assessments or assignments that are going to be missed or late, please contact the teacher to make alternative arrangements. If they have recovered but are still at home due to quarantine regulations, students should then follow the steps listed above. 

In summary, if a student is at home because of a covid related reason and they are well, they need to be ready to work at the assigned times of each class. Check google classroom and be ready to join via zoom as listed above. 

If you or your child have any questions about a particular class, please contact that teacher in the first instance. 


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