Covid-19 Management Updates

As we move into another week of a significant number individuals affected by Covid-19, we thank families for informing us early on so that quick contact tracing can occur and affected community members can be aware of high risk status.  Please note that in Powerschool, lies a link parents may use to inform us of high risk contacts if their child tests positive.  This will automatically alert our Health Team and initiate the contact tracing process.  We ask for patience during this busy time and apologize for any inconvenience our parents may encounter.

As of early this week, those who have recovered from Covid-19 within the past 90 days will quarantine for shorter amounts of time than the original 7 days.  Please reach out if you think this affects your return date to campus.

10 and 7 – day Quarantine Policy

The current 10 and 7-day policies in place are in compliance with guidelines directed by the Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Education and Clinical Practice Guidelines published by the Medical Council of Thailand.

Blood Donations to the Thai Red Cross

In every season, blood is a life saving donation many can provide.  As we have seen this past year, where one of our own Panthers has needed many blood transfusions, these donations help so many; we encourage all to consider giving throughout the year to keep supplies full in Thailand.  Central Plaza Chaengwattana has a Thai Red Cross donation center on the 6th floor that accepts donations from 11:00-15:00 on weekdays.  Consider giving today!

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