Thursday and Friday – MS Student Led Conferences

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

We are looking forward to hosting MS Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) on Thursday and Friday of next week (March 10 & 11). By now you should have made your appointment with your child’s Advisor to meet on campus for 30 minutes so that your child can share with you their learning progress, challenges, and goals for the remainder of the year.

As we have shared, these SLCs are empowering for learners and give parents an insight into what their child is internalizing regarding themselves as learners and the feedback that they get from teachers. We understand that many parents are use to meeting with the teachers to hear this feedback, so this may feel new. Teachers have been closely involved in students’ portfolio development and reflection process. What your child will share will be reflective of the feedback they have received from their teachers. In about a month’s time, teachers will provide individual written feedback on your child’s progress in the class as well.

To access campus for your conference appointment, please complete an ATK test on the morning of your appointment and submit the ISB Parent ATK form using your usual family passcode. On the day of the conference appointment, parents and students must bring their ISB ID card to enter campus through the turnstiles.

If you want to know more about SLCs and did not attend our Parent information webinar, that can be viewed using the information below.

What if we cannot come to campus?
Hosting the SLCs at school plays a significant part in empowering students, providing an environment in which students are in charge of their learning. While it is true that parents and students can meet at home to discuss the portfolio, the dynamic is different in the house where parents understandably are in charge. At school, in the classroom, students feel empowered to talk about their own learning, where parents are the invited guests.

Of course, if parents are unable to attend the SLC at school, then Zoom can be a secondary option, not as good, but better than not doing it at all. If you cannot attend SLCs on campus on March 10 or 11, then please still book an appointment with the Advisor through the Pick A time system provided and email the teacher about arranging for that appointment to take place on Zoom. The Advisor can provide their Zoom link.

We look forward to hopefully seeing you on campus with your child on Thursday or Friday and your child engaging with you in this important learning activity.


Topic: MS Parent Webinar on Student Led Conferences

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: pxy3duU!

(apologies for the grey boxes that appear in the recording. This was a glitch with zoom.)


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