News from School Counselors

Kevin Callahan

School in session
As the coronavirus refuses to go away, we hope that you and your students are being extra careful about good safety practices and hygiene.  While we know that it’s frustrating and difficult to have to stay home due to contact, and that it’s frightening to contract the virus, we all want to do the things that can keep us as healthy as possible and keep school open as well, even as numbers spike and drop.  We’re all in this together.  Thanks for all you’re doing to keep your family and others safe.

Schedules for school year 2021-22
Students have made their schedules for next school year and the system is ready to begin creating classes and sections.  Schedules should be ready by May.  Your student should know what classes they’ve signed up for, but if there is any confusion, contact your counselor and they will let you know what your student has selected. 

Leaving ISB
On a separate note, if you are moving at the end of the year and applying to other schools, please contact Kuhn Fon at Please turn in to the HS Counseling office at least 10 days in advance if any documents are needed to support the student’s application to their next school.

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