MS After School

At ISB we are proud to offer a wide variety of activities after school and we encourage students to participate in these activities. We also have wonderful facilities that we want students to use. 

Of course, COVID restrictions have limited are campus’s open access and we have needed to have much more supervision in place to ensure mask wearing and proper distancing.

Starting next week, MS students will be able to use the Parkour and Sky Parks after school between 2:30 and 3:45. We will have an adult supervising the area. We require that students still wear masks, respect the supervisor’s instructions, and use the equipment safely and as intended. 

Middle School students may stay on campus after school if:

  • they are involved in a supervised school activity
  • they are in the library literary lounge waiting for an activity to start
  • they are in the cafeteria waiting for an activity to start
  • they are using the playground 2:30 to 3:45

Middle School activities typically take place from 2:30 to 3:45, however some MS students are involved with HS or CAO activities that might run later.

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