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Student Parent Teacher Conference Sign Ups open at 8am tomorrow

Andy Vaughan

Sign ups for our High School Student Parent Teacher Conferences on Friday 11 March open tomorrow morning at 8am. 

As a reminder, we will be following strict guidelines for parents coming onto campus for these conferences, so please be aware that only one parent will be able to attend the conferences due to the limited numbers of people that we are allowed in each venue. All parents attending will need to also conduct an ATK test on the morning of the conferences.

We will use pickAtime to sign up for one of four times. It is important that you only attend during the time that you are signed up for. For instructions to sign up for conferences, please click on this link

Sign Ups opens tomorrow, Wednesday, March 2 at 8am and will close on Monday March 7 at 2pm.

The link to sign up for pickAtime is:

If you have any issues signing up for the conferences, please email Khun Arisa for assistance (

Justin Alexander, Justyna McMillan and Andy Vaughan



Principal’s Forum – March 24th

Justin Alexander

We are inviting questions from parents for the next Principal’s Forum. The HS Principal’s Forum (PF) is a channel of communication between parents and the administration. It is a platform to allow all parents to bring forward any questions, suggestions, or concerns to the Committee composed of parents representing grades 9-12 and EAL language communities. 

All HS parents are welcome to attend PF scheduled 9am on March 24th (location and format TBC by the school administration). The meeting will be led by Principal Alexander with Dean of Academics, Justyna McMillan, Dean of Students, Andy Vaughan and HS Team members. There is one HS PF each semester, two per academic year. 

All questions are shared with the administration anonymously: only the content is presented. The topics are addressed and discussed in an open meeting between administration and HS parents. Parents are invited to send their questions/suggestions/concerns to us before noon on  March 6th  via: HS Principal’s Forum- Questions from Parents- Intake Form. We review, organize,  and submit all queries to the administration. The administration organizes the presentation to parents. Your specific question may not be addressed during the public forum meeting as the topics covered during the meeting depend on the number of queries received on the topic. 

As always, if there are time sensitive questions and individual concerns, please reach out directly to the teachers, The HS Principal’s office, counselors and Admin team. They are always your first port of call and will be happy to assist and support you.

Please feel free to be in touch with us if you have any questions, or would like to understand more about the HS PF:

On behalf of our Principal’s Forum Parents’ Committee, we look forward to seeing you on March 24th, 

Debbie Gundenson (Grade 9, Co-Chair 2021-2023) 
Dhooleka Raj (Grade 11, Co-Chair 2020-2022)

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