Student Parent Teacher Conference Sign Ups From Wednesday.

Andy Vaughan

Our High School Student Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up on Friday 11 March. We are excited to be hosting these in person. 

We will be following strict guidelines for parents coming onto campus for these conferences, so please be aware that only one parent will be able to attend the conferences due to the limited numbers of people that we are allowed in each venue. All parents attending will need to also conduct an ATK test on the morning of the conferences.

We will use pickAtime to sign up for one of four times. It is important that you only attend during the time that you are signed up for. For instructions to sign up for conferences, please click on this link. The site will open to parents on Wednesday, March 2 at 8am and will close on Monday March 7 at 2pm.

The link to sign up for pickAtime is:

If you have any issues signing up for the conferences, please email Khun Arisa for assistance (


Many thanks,

Andy Vaughan

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