News from High School Counselors

Jackie Valenzuela

Students have completed the course registration process for next school year. Their schedules should be ready for viewing in May.

Just as a reminder, schedule changes can only be made for the following reason and by the following date:

  1. Between the sixth and tenth week of a course, if a student needs to move down a level, the dropped course will be listed on the transcript with a WP (Withdraw Pass) or WF (Withdraw Fail).  WP or WF grades are not included in the calculation of GPA nor is credit granted.  The grade calculated in the new course will start fresh and only include work completed for the new course.  Deadline is Friday, March 18.

  2. No level changes after March 18.

Finally, if your family is moving at the end of this school year and applying to other schools, please contact the HS registrar, Khun Fon (, and she will send you the necessary forms to withdrawal from ISB and request school documents (HS transcript) for your student’s new school.

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