ES e-News for February 25, 2022

SLCs: Sign Up Opens March 2 @ 8AM!

We are looking forward to seeing you at our Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) on March 10-11. On Monday, February 28th, you will be able to access your child’s individual letter containing additional details by logging into your PowerSchool account.  Find “Parent Conference” on the left hand side.  At the bottom of the letter you will find the link to schedule conferences through Pick-a-Time. Scheduling opens on Wednesday, March 2 at 8:00 AM and will close on Monday, March 7 at 2:00 PMHere are some things to consider as we approach the conferences:

Before the Conference:  

  • Sign up for a time via PowerSchool before March 7th @ 2PM
  • Complete the COVID disclosure form prior to arrival in order to access campus:
  • Be prepared to talk to your child about his/her strengths and areas for growth
  • Understand this is the time for your child to take the lead and demonstrate their learning

During the Conference:

  • Use the language with which you are most comfortable
  • Be an active listener
  • Be present (no mobile telephones, emails, texts)
  • Avoid critiquing, instead focus on successes and new learning
  • Ask questions of your child to help them reflect on their learning growth.
  • Be mindful that what might seem small to you, might be a huge accomplishment for your child
  • If your child seems nervous or shy, give them time and/or ask guiding questions about they work they are showing you
  • If you want to take photos, please wait until the end of the conference

After the Conference:   

  • Talk with your child about the conference and develop a plan to implement any strategies that were discussed and goals that were set during the conference
  • Remember to periodically check-in with your child regarding progress toward his/her goals

ES Free Dress Days-March 3 & 4

March 3 and 4 are free dress days in the Elementary School! 

Appropriate dress guidelines are:

  • Pants/slacks/shorts—good condition
  • Shirts/blouses—sleeves & midriff required, appropriate logos only
  • Skirts/dresses/jumpers—sleeves required, modest length
  • Shoes—sneakers, street shoes or leather sandals with back strap
  • Hats must be worn all the time when playing outside during recess or during PE classes

Weekly Message from Dr. Michael Allen

As positive COVID test results and being considered a close contact of someone with COVID becomes more commonplace in Thailand, it’s important to have conversations with children about what’s happening and how this impacts them, their family, and friends, The ES counseling team has put together some talking points and possible video resources to support teachers and families as we talk to kids about COVID.  

We hope you find the resource below helpful! 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

We have been living with COVID now for two years – masks, hand washing, social distancing, etc. Sometimes our classmates may be away or our class may close because someone has tested positive. Someone may be absent because a member of their family has tested positive. Someone may be absent because they have come in close contact with someone who tested positive. 

It’s important to remember:

Testing positive can happen to anyone – a teacher,  a student, an assistant, a parent, a friend, etc.

You can still test positive for COVID even if you are doing all the right things – getting vaccinated, wearing a mask, washing your hands, etc.

  • Vaccines help protect us, like an invisible wall, but they are not 100% protection.
  • Any vaccine is better protection than no vaccine. 
  • Before anyone returns to school, they have been tested and cleared by the ISB nurse and health unit.
  • Treating others differently because of COVID is unkind and hurtful.  

How can we show care for others when they test positive and then return to school? How can we show care for ourselves if we test positive and then return to school?

Possible videos: (importance of being kind after a Covid Diagnosis, better for older children, G3-5) (kid-friendly general Covid info)  (all about vaccines–general)  (Covid 19 vaccines)

MAP Webinar for ES Parents

Thank you to the parents who were able to participate in yesterday’s MAP webinar for ES parents. If you were unable to attend, please enjoy this 35-minute recording of yesterday’s MAP webinar.

ISB Summer School 2022 – All information and registration coming soon!
ISB Summer School 2022 is scheduled for Monday, June 20 to Tuesday, July 12 this year. All information about programs, courses, specific dates, fees, and registration process will be available on our website next week on Friday, March 4th!

Sunday & Wednesday ATK Testing

Students will be required to take ATK tests every Sunday and Wednesday between 4:00pm and 8:00pm – with results uploaded on the ATK Form within that same timeframe. The next ATK test is required on Sunday, February 27.  If you need assistance with the ATK Form, please write to

It is very important that all test results are entered into the ATK Form within the specified time in order to ensure campus access the following day. The ATK Form is linked to the ID cards and ISB turnstiles system. 

Safely Learning on the ISB Campus 2022

As Dr. Davies shared in yesterday’s community update, following recent direct consultation with officials at the Ministry of Public Health, the ISB Covid Response Team has updated our Safely Learning on the ISB Campus 2022 – Feb 24, 2022 guide and Risk Matrix to better reflect safe practices that also keep students in school as much as possible. To see how the matrix has changed from Feb 1 to Feb 24, click here for a side-by-side comparison.

Calling Grade 3-5 String Musicians: Openings in Panther String Ensemble!

Musicians in grades 3, 4 and 5 who love to make music on violin, viola, cello or double bass should consider signing up for the Panther String Ensemble. This ensemble will begin meeting in person on Tuesday, March 8th, from 3:00-4:00 pm in the CC building (8-123). Panther Orff Ensemble is free of charge! Click HERE to learn more and sign up!

ES Cafeteria Menu

Please find the KG – G5 ES Cafeteria menu for next week linked here, and here is the menu for Pre-Kindergarten.

Panther Activities: Week 3 
Payment window postponed until early next week.
With week 3 of Panther Activities wrapping up this weekend we wanted to share some updates. Please see the summary of activities HERE as a quick reference of the what, where, and when for each program. Remember to practice COVID safety before, during and after all activities. Food is only allowed in the ES or MS/HS cafeterias. Please contact us if your student will be missing an activity after school for any reason including COVID related absences so that we know they are safe and accounted for. Assume activities are on as scheduled unless you hear from us that there has been a cancellation. In addition, the payment window has once again been postponed to allow us time to provide multiple payment options – sorry for the delay.  Finally, thanks for signing up. We love working with your kids!

For general questions contact Anthony or Lucas at

For program specific questions, please contact our Panther Activities Coordinators at the email addresses listed below.,,,,,,,,,,,,, and new this semester…

ISB Athletics News

Upcoming events
Thursday 10th March: U11 Track & Field Twilight meet

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