News from University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!!

Is your child thinking of applying to university in Australia? There will be a special session exclusively for ISB students on Wednesday, 9 February at 2:50 -3:50 pm. There will be a brief overview about higher education in Australia followed by the opportunity to connect with the university representatives from: University Western Australia, University of New South Wales, Griffith University, University of Canberra. The event will be virtual. Just click on the link to join and use the following to connect: Meeting ID: 851 4203 4379 and Passcode: 979720

Spread the word!  Let your friends know about this opportunity!

Grade 10
University counselors have been meeting with grade 10 students this week in small groups to discuss their course selections for next year. Most will have met with a university counselor by Friday and the rest will meet on Monday or Tuesday next week.  Students are completing an online form during the meetings. Ask your child to share with you the notes they took on the form during the meeting. Course registration is open until Thursday, 10 February. The keys to picking the right classes for next year are to listen to teacher recommendations, be self-reflective about skills and interests, and do the research necessary in order to understand university requirements for those who are planning on attending particular universities in the future. 

Junior Led Conferences: February and March
Grade 11 students should be working on the Junior Led Conferences that will be taking place during the next two months (please see below). Many juniors have started making their appointment with their counselor but please remind your child to do so if he/she has not done so yet.

Junior Led Conferences begin 1 Feb through 31 March (University Counselor office and/or Zoom). All grade 11 students are required to schedule a Junior Led Conference with their university counselor and their parents during the months of February and March. The meeting will be the starting point for the university research and selection process for each student and family. Please work with your child to set that appointment well in advance during the student’s free period or if the student doesn’t have a free, after school. This is a mandatory meeting and both parents are expected to attend, in person or via zoom. If a parent wants to attend the meeting in person, please let the counselor know and an invitation to come on campus can be arranged (with proper Covid protocols.) The counselors look forward to hearing from the students about what their plans are for after ISB!

Class of 2022!
Seniors are getting results from their university applications. Encourage your child to come speak to their university counselor when they find out their decisions. The next Senior Seminar will be 23 February where the topics of discussion will include: Acceptances/Denials/Waitlists, Firm and Insurance Choices in UCAS, Depositing at university of choice, Double Deposit No-No!, and much more!  

Now’s the time to encourage your child to send a thank you note to the teachers who wrote a letter of recommendation for her/him. Please remind your child to do so!

Future Parent Coffees:
The next two months of Parent Coffees will be focusing on the application process in different countries. This is a great introduction for grade 9 to 11 parents about what is coming in the next few years for your child. So, mark your calendars!  The dates that are set so far are:

February 7: United Kingdom and the UCAS Application @ 9:00 AM Join here

February  21:  Applying to Canada @ 9:00 AM. Join here.

February 28: Applying to the Netherlands @ 9:00 AM

March 7: Applying to Hong Kong  @ 9:00 AM

March 14: Applying to Australia  @ 9:00 AM

March 21: Japanese Community Meeting @ 10:00 AM

March 23: Korean Community Meeting  @ 9:00 AM

March 28: Thai Community Meeting  @ 9:00 AM

March 31: Chinese Community Meeting  @ 9:00 AM

Watch this space for the links and details! As we get closer to the dates we will announce if these meetings will be virtual or on campus.

Virtual university visits: Be sure to check the Virtual University Visit list for university presentations that are available for students and families to join. 

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings of Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.

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