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ATK distribution this week

We will distribute new sets of ATKs to MS students this week, on Wednesday (G6 & 8) and Thursday (G7). Please collect these kits from your children on these days.

How many should I have left?
In early December, ISB distributed ATKs to families for each student. The calculation of supplies was based on their use only at the scheduled and required ISB times. For the week of January 17-21, we required daily ATK testing which used 3 tests per child more than our original count.

As such, by our calculation, each student should have enough ATKs for this Sunday and Wednesday and the Sunday we return from break, Feb. 20th test (we do not require testing during the breaks), before school restarts. This includes (Feb 6, Feb 9, Feb 20).

If ATK’s provided by the school are used by families for additional testing purposes then we ask for you to replenish them yourself by purchasing ATK’s from a pharmacy (Abbott or similar).

As shared in a recent message from Dr. Davies, our recent review of neighboring pharmacies is that most have ATKs still available for sale.

The new kits should last from Feb 23rd until March 20th, assuming 2 tests per week.


MS Schedule for Next Week

Next week is another full 5-day week heading into our February break holiday.

  • Monday, Feb 7 – Day 5
  • Tuesday, Feb 8 – Day 6
  • Wednesday, Feb 9 – Day 7
  • Thursday, Feb 10 – Day 8
  • Friday, Feb 11 – Day 1

After the break, school resumes on February 21, with Day 2.


Course Registration for 2022-23 for students moving from grades 6 to 7, and 7 to 8 

By Cindy Plantecoste, MS Vice Principal

Our class registration process for the 2022-2023 school year is getting started for students who are currently in grades 6 and 7.  Our  Program of Studies for 2022-2023 offers you a robust description of our programs, includes links to subject-specific standards, and provides unit titles with accompanying questions that give context to the units.  As a first step, we would ask that you read over the Program of Studies with your child to see what s/he is excited about learning next year and to identify electives that your child might want to request. It is also important for you to review the course requirements carefully.

During the week of January 31st, we met with current grade 6 and grade 7 students to explain the registration process, answer questions, distribute paper course registration forms, and emphasize course requirements, as well as where your child has choice in his/her schedule.  Furthermore, we reviewed the timeline for our registration process which includes two steps, registration in PowerSchool and on a paper form that needs to be turned into the counseling office. PowerSchool will open for registration on Monday, February 7th, and will close on Thursday, February 10th, at the end of the school day.  Students are also required to submit their paper registration to the counseling office by the end of the day on Thursday, February 10th.

During the registration process, MS students will select their electives from our performing arts, visual arts, or design technology and engineering offerings, and will be asked if they would like to continue with the current world/native language, or to begin a new one. Students who take intensive studies or an EAP (English for Academic Purposes) class would generally be exempt from taking a world/native language class.  All of our Thai Nationals must study Thai language.

Once you have completed and signed the paper registration form with your child, please have your child register online through PowerSchool (if s/he is unable to log in, please contact Khun Arintra in the MS office. ext: 4407). Please click here for grade 6 to grade 7 registration and here for grade 7 to grade 8 registration to see how your child can register in PowerSchool.  Our registration window (between February 7 – 10) is NOT first-come, first-serve. 

As you discuss your child’s requests for 2022-2023, please note that we create our schedule based on the actual number of student requests for a particular elective course.  For this reason, we are not always able to accommodate student requests to change their electives later in the year. We’ve attached our course registration worksheets to register for grade 7 and for grade 8 to assist you in your planning (you can also find these forms at the end of the Program of Studies).

Students who are leaving ISB during, or at the end of the second semester are still required to complete the registration process. This step will ease the transition to their next school.

Should you have any questions about this process, you are welcome to contact any of us in the main office. We want to make this process a smooth one for your child.

We hope your child is excited about planning for next year in Middle School!

Cindy Plantecoste

MS Vice Principal


** Registration information for 5th to 6th grade has been sent directly to grade 5 parents.

**Registration information for 8th to 9th grade was communicated to G8 families by the HS. 


Course Registration Information for Grade 8 rising to Grade 9 

Dear Parents of Grade 8 students,

Thank you to those parents who were able to join us for the Webinar on Thursday February 3rd. We hope the information provided was clear and helped to answer any questions you may have had, about your child moving forward into either Grade 9 or Grade10.

We are now happy to share all resources, including a link to the recorded Webinar, for all rising Grade 9 and Grade 10 parents. Just so parents are aware, students have also received information about the course registration process and all the opportunities on offer in the High School, through presentations and dedicated Q&A sessions with the HS counselors and the Dean of Academics.

If however, you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help.

Course registrations are open and will remain open on PowerSchool until Thursday 10th February.

LINK to video Webinar

LINK to presentation slides

LINK to the HS Course Guide


ISB Safeguarding Workshop for Parents 

All parents, PreK-Grade 12, are invited to join our ISB Parent Safeguarding workshop at 8:00 AM on February 10.

At this workshop we will discuss:

  • Safeguarding at ISB
  • Defining boundaries and types of boundaries
  • How to talk with your child about boundaries
  • Using boundaries to keep your child safe
  • Teaching your child to respect others’ boundaries

We hope you will be able to join our workshop and learn together about safety, consent and boundaries at ISB and beyond. In order to help us with our planning, please sign up here if you plan to attend this workshop. We hope to see you on February 10!

All participants will receive the ZOOM link and password on February 9.

-ISB Counseling Team


Feb 14-18 Break – NO SCHOOL 

ISB will be on February Break for February 14-18. Students will not have school during this time. Campus will be closed.

Classes will resume on Monday, February 21st, scheduled as a Day 2.

We hope everyone in our community has a safe and restful holiday.


Week 1 of Panther Activities Done & Dusted 

As we wrap up week 1 of the new session of Panther Activities, we wanted to say thank you for your patience as we continue work through some of the kinks with our new sign up platform and reconcile the details of the more than two thousand registrations. Please see the summary of activities HERE as a quick reminder of the what, where, and when for each program. 


Payment Window Postponed: February 11th-25th, 2022

For general questions contact Anthony or Lucas at

Or, for program specific questions, please contact our Panther Activities Coordinators at the email addresses listed below.,,,,,,,,,,,,, and new this semester… 


Announcing ISB Middle School MUN

Looking to improve your public speaking skills and engage with world issues? The Model United Nations club has long been a space for students to explore their interests and hone their skills in High School, and we are now looking to expand those same opportunities to students in Middle School! We will start from the very basics and build our way up, from fun speaking games to full mock conferences over the course of the semester. Join us at Room 301 every Wednesday at 2:30.



Tri Kids Triathlon @ ISB 

Sponsored by Amorn Group

February 27th, 2022 



All registration fees collected for this year’s event 

will go to help Evelyn and her family.


Tri Kids Triathlon info: 

  • Ages 4-18, ISB students only
  • Try a Tri – 50m swim, 600m bike, 200m run (Prek 2, KG, 1st, 2nd )
  • Standard – 200m swim, 5.5km bike, 1.1km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 
  • Do the Double – 400m swim, 11km bike, 2.2km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 

Or, if you don’t want to race alone: 

  • Relay Team of 2 Standard – 200m swim, 5.5km bike, 1.1km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 
  • Relay Team of 3 Standard – 200m swim, 5.5km bike, 1.1km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 
  • Relay Team of 2 Do the Double – 400m swim, 11km bike, 2.2km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 
  • Relay Team of 3 Do the Double – 400m swim, 11km bike, 2.2km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)


Hanuman Film Festival

Postponed to March 24, 2022


We invite you to participate in the Hanuman Film Festival happening on March 24th! This is open to all grade levels and we are currently accepting entries until March 17. Any creative original film is welcomed! 

Please sign up using the link HERE (or using the QR code), 

and send your film or any questions to

MS Athletics Announcement

ISB Athletics season 3 starts on Monday 7th February. Your child’s coaches will be in touch soon, but  you can also access the season information letter on the Athletics website. Please go to the season 3 team pages for the different sports Middle School Athletics Main Page to find the information letter. 

Because track season ends on March 26, you can combine Track & Field with Soccer or Tennis if you would like to participate in both. We will try to run an extra Track & Field session on Wednesdays at 2:30 for those athletes who wish to do this and work out a schedule to accommodate this. 

Grade 8 students can also try out for HS sports Golf, Softball, Baseball, Badminton, Track & Field. 


Upcoming events 

Saturday 5th February

BMAC U14 Volleyball @ ISB    

BMAC U12 Volleyball @ BPS 

BMAC U14 Softball @ BPS


Season 2 game schedules can be viewed on 


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