Course Registration Information for Grade 8 rising to Grade 9

Dear Parents of Grade 8 students,

Thank you to those parents who were able to join us for the Webinar on Thursday February 3rd. We hope the information provided was clear and helped to answer any questions you may have had, about your child moving forward into either Grade 9 or Grade10.

We are now happy to share all resources, including a link to the recorded Webinar, for all rising Grade 9 and Grade 10 parents. Just so parents are aware, students have also received information about the course registration process and all the opportunities on offer in the High School, through presentations and dedicated Q&A sessions with the HS counselors and the Dean of Academics.

If however, you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help.

Course registrations are open and will remain open on PowerSchool until Thursday 10th February.

LINK to video Webinar

LINK to presentation slides

LINK to the HS Course Guide

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