10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse


The Middle School Drama Dept. is announcing a hilarious new play for the Spring Production in May: “10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse”, and all Middle Schoolers are invited to join in if they’re interested as Cast (acting in major or minor roles) and/or Crew (Backstage support with props & set making, costume & makeup, and lights & sound tech.)

This play is sure-fire fun and pure comedy. It presents our Host with a message to his audience– we must prepare for zombies! With help from a clueless co-star who seems to have wandered over from an awards show, both Hosts present a series of “Case Studies” about how to survive against a future zombie apocalypse. Helping them out are 4 “Survivors,” who repeat their battles against the zombies for each “Way” to survive. Let’s hope they can make it all the way to the end!

MS Drama would like to welcome ALL interested Middle Schoolers (grade 6 – 8) to try out to be a part. The first step is to come to one of the two Audition & Sign Up Meetings that are happening Tuesday & Wednesday, February 8 & 9, afterschool from 2:45 to 4:15. Students can find all the information on this Google doc with links in Good Morning Middle School. For any other questions you can contact Danny Wall, MS Drama teacher, at dannyw@isb.ac.th.

We are anticipating a great production and are including all safety protocols to ensure everyone can both have fun and be safe, too!

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