ES e-News for January 28, 2022

ES Parent Engage Questions Wanted!

Our February ES Parent Engage is open to all parents and will be hosted by the ES Principals and Instructional Coaches.  We’re eager to address any questions you might have about teaching and learning in the elementary school.  Complete the short survey with your questions today then grab your coffee/tea and join us via Zoom on Thursday at 7:45AM.

ES Teaching & Learning Parent Questions Link: 
Zoom Link Here:

Out of Uniform Days
February 3 & 4 are ‘Out of Uniform’ days in the Elementary School.  On PE days, students need to wear their PE uniforms.  On their non-PE day, students may choose to not wear their ISB uniform.

Appropriate dress guidelines for our ‘Out of Uniform’ days are:

  • Pants/slacks/shorts—good condition
  • Shirts/blouses—sleeves & midriff required, appropriate logos only
  • Skirts/dresses/jumpers—sleeves required, modest length
  • Shoes—sneakers, street shoes or leather sandals with back strap
  • Hats must be worn all the time when playing outside during recess or during PE classes

ATK Distribution

In early December, ISB distributed ATKs to families for each student. The calculation of supplies was based on their use only at the scheduled and required ISB times. For the week of January 17-21, we required daily ATK testing which used 3 tests per child more than our original count.

As such, by our calculation, each student should have enough ATKs for Sunday and Wednesday testing to last until the Feb. 20th test, following the February break (we do not require testing during the breaks), before school restarts. This includes (Jan 30, Feb 2, Feb 6, Feb 9, Feb 20).

If ATK’s provided by the school are used by families for additional testing purposes then we ask for you to replenish them yourself by purchasing ATK’s from a pharmacy (Abbott or similar).

As shared in a recent message from Dr. Davies, our recent review of neighboring pharmacies is that most have ATKs still available for sale.

The next distribution of ATKs for ES students will take place Feb 10 & 11 ahead of the break.

Wear Purple on Tuesday

In a show of solidarity in support of Evelyn and her family, we are asking everyone to wear purple to school on Tuesday, February 1st!


Tri Kids Triathlon @ ISB
February 27th, 2022 

The registration fees collected for this year’s event will go to Evelyn and her family to help with her medications and medical bills.

Let’s swim, bike and run for Evelyn! 

Tri Kids Triathlon info: 

ISB students only, registration will be open next week. 

    • Ages 4-18, 
    • Try a Tri – 50m swim, 600m bike, 200m run (Prek 2, KG, 1st, 2nd )
    • Standard – 200m swim, 5.5km bike, 1.1km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 
    • Do the Double – 400m swim, 11km bike, 2.2km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 

Or, if you don’t want to race alone: 

  • Relay Team of 2 Standard – 200m swim, 5.5km bike, 1.1km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 
  • Relay Team of 3 Standard – 200m swim, 5.5km bike, 1.1km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 
  • Relay Team of 2 Do the Double – 400m swim, 11km bike, 2.2km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 
  • Relay Team of 3 Do the Double – 400m swim, 11km bike, 2.2km run (Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) 

Join Us on Line! 

Did you know that close to 250 ES parents are connected via the ES PTA LINE GROUP?  Be sure to join us via this QR code! 

ES PTA Line Group Terms of Usage:

  • All PTA related LINE groups are to be used to disseminate information regarding ISB related activities. 
  • Commercial advertising is strictly prohibited.
  • Privacy and reputation-protection are priorities: using names of individual children or teachers is not allowed.
  • Airing of grievances, settling of disputes or other negative activity on these PTA LINE groups is strictly prohibited. 
  • ISB community member Code of Conduct must be followed at all times. 

Sunday & Wednesday ATK Testing

Students will be required to take ATK tests every Sunday and Wednesday between 4:00pm and 8:00pm – with results uploaded on the ATK Form within that same timeframe. The next ATK test is required on Sunday, January 30.  If you need assistance with the ATK Form, please write to 

It is very important that all test results are entered into the ATK Form within the specified time in order to ensure campus access the following day. The ATK Form is linked to the ID cards and ISB turnstiles system.

Weekly Message from Dr. Michael Allen 

Dear ES Parents,

An important part of our partnership is to ensure that you have all the information needed to connect learning to your home.  Please let us know any questions you might have about teaching and learning in the elementary school via this short survey ( and join us for our February ES Parent Engage session via Zoom on Thursday @ 7:45AM.  

ISB offers a comprehensive education focusing on developmentally appropriate learning outcomes in a wide variety of areas from physical development to literacy!  We value a close partnership with you as you navigate your child’s education and look forward to talking through any questions you might have. See you on Thursday!  

ES Teaching & Learning Parent Questions Link: 
Zoom Link Here:

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen 

ES Counselor Update

During the month of January/February in classroom guidance lessons in PreK-Grade 5, the counselors will be teaching two lessons about personal safety.  This includes learning about what safe, unsafe, and unwanted touches mean as well as teaching rules about keeping safe in various situations.  Examples may include traffic, fire, and street dog safety; what to do if you get lost; and the importance of asking before going anywhere without a parent, or accepting a gift from someone else. Click here for the full version of the informative parent letter.

ISB Parent Safeguarding Workshop

All parents, PreK-Grade 12, are invited to join our ISB Parent Safeguarding workshop at 8:00 AM on February 10 with our counseling department. At this workshop we will discuss:

  • Safeguarding at ISB
  • Defining boundaries and types of boundaries
  • How to talk with your child about boundaries
  • Using boundaries to keep your child safe
  • Teaching your child to respect others’ boundaries

We hope you will be able to join our workshop and learn together about safety, consent and boundaries at ISB and beyond. In order to help us with our planning, please sign up here if you plan to attend this workshop. We hope to see you on February 10!

-ISB Counseling Team

Meet your PTA Governing Board Members!  Feb 2

Dear Parents,

We hope that you can stop by to say hello on Wednesday, 2nd of February, 2022 at Sweet Poppy. 8am to 12pm

Your PTA Governing board members will be available to chat to and answer questions.

Due to Covid restrictions we will not serve any food and drinks so that everyone keeps their masks on at all times! We will provide you with a to go bag on your way out.

Thank you and see you there!
ISB PTA 2021/2022

By: Dunke Tostevin 
ISB PTA President 2021/2022

ES Cafeteria Menu

Please find the KG – G5 ES Cafeteria menu for next week linked here, and here is the menu for Pre-Kindergarten.

New Sessions start January 31st!!! 
New sessions of Panther Activities programs in Art, Baseball/Softball/BBSA, Basketball, Dance, Golf, Gymnastics, Music, Native Language Academy, Rugby, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, AND new this semester – Cool Art Club, Creative Ukuleles and Surf-Skating begin January 31st! 

Parents will be notified with confirmation of their selections by Friday, January 28th.  

Confirmation of Activities: January 28, 2022
Payment Window: February 4-11, 2022

For general questions contact Anthony or Lucas at Or, for program specific questions, please contact our Panther Activities Coordinators at the email addresses listed below.,,,,,,,,,,,,, and new this semester…

Panther Explore Coming Soon!!!

Second Semester’s Panther (ES) Explore Program will begin on Monday, March 7th. The following are some important dates for you to note in your calendar. ES Explore Program Booklet  

  • Online registration opens – Friday, February 11th at 3:00pm.
  • Online registration closes  – Friday,  February 25th 3:00pm.
  • Confirmed Activities – Friday, March 4th.
  • Activities Begin – Monday, March 7th.

Hanuman Film Festival Postponed to March 24, 2022

We invite you to participate in the Hanuman Film Festival happening on March 24th! This is open to all grade levels and we are currently accepting entries until March 17. Any creative original film is welcomed! Please sign up using this link (or using the QR code) – and send your film or questions you have to !

ISB Athletics News

ISB Athletics season 3 registration is now open for Grade 3, 4 and 5.

If your child is interested in U11 Track & Field, Badminton or mixed Touch Rugby, please register on the ISB Athletics website . The season starts on Monday 7th February.  Season information will be shared with registered families by Friday 4th February.

Upcoming events
Saturday 29th January
BMAC short course swimming @ISB
BMAC Varsity Basketball Invitational @ NIST
BMAC Varsity Tennis Invitational Boys @ Patana
BMAC Varsity Tennis Invitational Girls @ ISB

Saturday 5th February
BMAC U14 Volleyball @ ISB   
BMAC U12 Volleyball @ BPS
BMAC U14 Softball @ BP

Season 2 game schedules can be viewed on

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