Health Center Update

More Vaccine Info

Ages 12-18

As of press we have not been provided with further details regarding half doses of Moderna.  For parents considering full doses for their students [either as a booster or primary series], previous sign ups are still open for these full doses.  

Ages 5 – under 12

Our hospital contacts are anticipating the second two weeks of February as potential dates for Pfizer vaccinations in this age group.  As we have further information, we will share this info to the community.

Contact Tracing

We thank all parents who have been helpful in informing us regarding potential high risk contacts or when individuals in the household test positive for Covid-19.  Our current high risk definitions and quarantine requirements are in alignment with the Ministry of Public Health and what they have recommended to us.  We know that school attendance is very important and we do are very best to get children back in the classroom as soon as we can. 

Sick Policy

We remind our community that one of the best mitigation measures available is staying home when feeling ill.  We recommend those arriving to campus be symptom free for 48 hours without symptom reducing medication.  For any inquiries you may contact the ISB Health Center during normal operating hours.Regards,

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