Weekly Message from Dr. Michael Allen

It was so wonderful to have students back on campus this week! While Virtual School kept learning moving forward and helped maintain a strong sense of community for our students the first week back from the holiday break, this week we are all reminded how amazing and essential the in-person experience is for students.

THUMBS UP and thanks go out to teachers, students and parents for pivoting, again, between learning models, and for working together to provide extraordinary care for our students during these challenging times. A special THUMBS UP go out to our families for supporting the daily ATK testing and reporting efforts this past week as well as to everyone on campus for wearing their masks. 

THUMBS UP to our parents and faculty who are supporting our students who remain in virtual learning. Students participating in virtual learning are working on essential classroom content, and our hope is for these students to transition back to campus as soon as possible.  Please contact our ES Virtual Learning teacher, Ms. Alex Sawaetwong at alexs@isb.ac.th with any virtual learning questions you might have. 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

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