Welcome back

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

We are excited to welcome our students back onto campus on Monday, January 17th as we resume face-to-face classes. It will be Day 6 for our students and teachers and we will be following our regular daily schedule as we were just prior to the Winter break. We welcome 13 new HS students onto campus and they are looking forward to meeting their new classmates and potential new friends in the semester ahead. 

Parents received information yesterday confirming that we are opening campus on Monday. This communication also included details about daily ATK tests next week and a survey for families who may not be on campus next week. Please do follow the instructions in that communication so that we know who to expect in classes on Monday. 

We are aware that there will be some students that are unable to join us on campus next week and for them, the learning will still continue but in a different way. We move away from our virtual school format (online zoom classes) but these students will still have access to their learning materials and resources and opportunities to interact with their classmates and teachers as is appropriate. There is not a one size fits all approach to the learning format for our off-campus students as it will depend on the nature of the class, the activities, and the learning that is planned on a given day. 

The learning model for off-campus students will focus on providing resources and assignments online through our usual means of Google Classroom, along with direct email contact between teachers and students. Our teachers will determine the best means with which to deliver learning for students unable to join on-campus classes on a day-to-day basis. This may include access to learning resources (videos, screencasts, lesson presentations, notes), instructions via email, opportunities for check-ins with teachers, zooming in for certain periods in a lesson, or continuing to work asynchronously on assignments, etc. 

We will be asking our teachers to initially reach out to students that are away to let them know the plans for the week’s learning and how they can best continue with their learning during their absence. For students that are unsure about what they should be doing during their lessons, please ask them to contact the teacher directly and their school counselor if required. 

We appreciate the ongoing support of our parent community as we continue to adapt to the different circumstances in front of us and do the best we can to provide learning for all of our students. 

Welcome back

Justin Alexander
HS Principal

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