Semester 2 Reporting and Communication Timeline

In an effort to keep you informed about the progress of your child, we’re sharing the communication and reporting timeline for Semester 2.  On the dates listed below, you can access accurate information related to your child’s progress in PowerSchool and plan for our student-led conferences.  You should always feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher and/or counselor if you have any questions or concerns related to your child’s progress.

These definitions will help you understand our reporting terminology:

Attainment of Learning Goals:  

Students are assessed upon their current level of attainment of our ISB academic learning goals, including the key knowledge, skills, and understandings identified by our ISB curricular standards and grade-level benchmarks using the descriptors listed below. Progress may be assessed between levels (example: Meeting/Excelling) when the student has attained one level for some goals and the other level for other goals in a particular learning area.

Habits and Attitudes for Learning (HAL):

Our ISB Middle School HAL are behaviors and dispositions that support students’ progress towards achieving our Mission. Students who approach their learning with these habits and attitudes develop a growth mindset and become independent, life‐long learners.

Semester 2 Reporting and Communication Timeline

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