Reopening campus on Monday Jan 17th – Safety Expectations

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

As you will have seen from Dr. Davies’s communication on Thursday evening, ISB will reopen on-campus learning on Monday, January 17th. 

The first week of the semester online has been a good one to re-connect with students while working through uncertainty and positive cases in our community. We are now excited to welcome students back into our classrooms again with confidence in our safety measures and understanding of spread within the community.

Of course, in our efforts to keep everyone safe and our campus open for learning, we need the commitment of all community members to follow the safety protocols here on campus and to support that messaging outside of school.

At school we will continue to insist that students and staff:

  • wear approved masks properly in class, in halls, and throughout campus unless eating in the designated spaces or directed by their PE teacher/coach
  • hand sanitize before entering any classroom or other learning space
  • maintain distancing guidelines
  • have their own water bottles for refill and use
  • pull their mask back on properly after taking a sip from a water bottle when consuming outside the designated eating area (rather than walk around with masks off, while drinking)

We will continue to space desks in classrooms and assign seating to help with any contact tracing needed as follow up. Students will clean their own desks after use each lesson. All classrooms are thoroughly disinfected each evening. 

Please remind your MS children to:

  • Bring their ID card – this is essential for entering campus
  • Bring a water bottle – otherwise it’s a long time without hydrating
  • Pack their backpack only with materials for the classes THAT day – otherwise bags get really heavy
  • Have some extra masks, especially for PE days – it’s nice to change out of a sweaty one
  • On PE days, they have to have PE uniform to change into and a uniform to wear for classes

And finally, we remind all families that the ATK tests and forms should be submitted on daily Sunday to Thursday evenings, 4-8 pm. (Jan 16-20)

Last semester, our community was very good at following these guidelines and expectations. Of course, mistakes were made, but adults were monitoring and students were responsive to redirection. Messaging and modeling at home goes a long way to support our success with mask wearing – when parents remind their children about why it’s important, students are more likely to wear their masks properly at school. We appreciate your support.

We look forward to having students back on campus, learning and interacting together again. While we learn to live with COVID in our world, we will continue to maintain safety protocols to do our part to prevent transmission.

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