News from the University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

Welcome back to Semester Two!  The University Counselors send their best to all ISB families and wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Application Results. Seniors should have heard back, or will soon hear, about the results of their Early Application or Early Decision applications. Universities making decisions on a rolling basis have also started releasing decisions. Please encourage your child to check their application portals, email inbox and spam folder regularly to watch for those decisions or in case other information or materials are required. Please be sure your child shares their university application results with their university counselor! The next Senior Seminar is 23 February. 

University counselors will be sending out the Mid Year Reports to all universities that require those updates and to which the seniors applied. That material will be submitted next week by the counselors. Students should monitor their application portals to ensure all materials are received by the university. 

College Coffee:  The next Parent College Coffee will be on Monday, 17 January, 2022 at 1:00 PM. The topic will be US Higher Education 101 and the university counselors will cover the basics about what parents need to know regarding higher education and applying to universities in the US. All grade 9-12 parents are invited to attend. Please join the counselors by registering in advance here. Watch this space for a future announcement about other Parent Coffees during Semester 2!

Juniors should now be taking the driver’s seat for their university research and selection process. The next Junior Seminar will be on Monday, 17 January.  University Counselors will be introducing the Juniors to a new web based platform, Maia Learning, which will be used for university research and the delivery of application materials.  In addition, the juniors will be given the template for their Junior Lead Conferences and some time to start working on their presentations. 

Juniors & Parent University Night will be on Thursday, 20 January. If you have a grade 11 student, please join the university counselors for the zoom presentation at 6:30 PM by registering in advance here. The counselors look forward to the webinar and presenting to both students and families about the upcoming university research and selection process as well as providing information about the Junior Led Conferences that will take place in February and March. See you there!

Junior Led Conferences begin 1 Feb through 31 March (University Counselor office and/or Zoom). All grade 11 students are required to schedule a Junior Led Conference with their university counselor and their parents during the months of February and March. The meeting will be the starting point for the university research and selection process for each student and family. Please work with your child to set that appointment well in advance during the student’s free period or after school. This is a mandatory meeting and both parents are expected to attend, in person or via zoom. The counselors look forward to hearing from the students about what their plans are for after ISB!

Virtual university visits: Be sure to check the Virtual University Visit list for university presentations that are available for students and families to join. Please check the Virtual University Visits list on the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information!

Want to find out more about the University Counseling program at ISB?  Please visit the  ISB University Counseling website.

Ms. Debbie McDowell (she, her, hers)
Head of University Counseling

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