ES e-News for January 14, 2022

Back to Campus on Monday!

On Monday, January 17 we welcome all ISB students back to campus everyday!  Monday will be Day F.  

Survey Reminder

PK-Grade 5 families who completed this survey and will not be returning to campus will be contacted by our ES Virtual Learning Teacher, Ms. Amy Gregory, with details about how each child will be supported over the next few weeks. 

Please note that when school fully resumes on campus and Virtual School ends, students who do not come to campus will engage in Virtual Learning

  • Virtual Learning occurs when campus is open and a few students are not able to come to campus (ie: in transit from another country or in quarantine). When the hybrid model ends and classes resume on campus, virtual learning will occur for students who don’t return to campus in the form of asynchronous learning tasks and assignments.
  • Hybrid Learning occurs when campus is able to be open with reduced numbers.  In September 2021, ISB was approved to be open at 50% capacity. In this case a hybrid model was put into place where students are engaged in both on campus and virtual learning. 
  • Virtual School is the model for learning when all students are learning at home. 

Join Us on Line!

Please join the ES PTA Line Group via this QR code! 

ES PTA Line Group Terms of Usage: 

  • All PTA related LINE groups are to be used to disseminate information regarding ISB related activities. 
  • Commercial advertising is strictly prohibited.
  • Privacy and reputation-protection are priorities: using names of individual children or teachers is not allowed.
  • Airing of grievances, settling of disputes or other negative activity on these PTA LINE groups is strictly prohibited. 
  • ISB community member Code of Conduct must be followed at all times. 

Daily ATK Testing This Week

Next week, students will be required to take daily ATK tests beginning on Sunday, January 16th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm – with results uploaded on the ATK Form within that same timeframe. If you need assistance with the ATK Form, please write to 

It is very important that all test results are entered into the ATK Form within the specified times in order to ensure campus access the following day. The ATK Form is linked to the ID cards and ISB turnstiles system.

Arrival Time for Students

We seek your support in having students arrive at school after 7:15AM. Students will not be permitted to enter classrooms until 7:15AM and will waitr in the assigned waiting area until this time. 

On Campus Student Absences

When students who attend classes on campus are absent, they are marked absent in PowerSchool and may be expected to complete missed work when they return to campus.  

Should a student be required to quarantine due to COVID exposure, they will complete virtual learning tasks and have check-ins with our Virtual Learning Teacher.  
Please complete this survey and contact ES Principal Michael Allen at if planning an extended absence. 

Weekly Message from Dr. Michael Allen

Opening the ISB campus safely is our highest priority!  ISB has several safety measures in place which are outlined in the Safely Learning on the ISB Campus 2022 guidelines which have been updated and revised for Monday’s campus reopening.  Please make note of the enhancements to the guidelines below pertaining to classroom closures. We invite you to also review pages 4 & 5 for the definitions of “High Risk Contacts”.

Should you have any questions about the guidelines or the safety of your child, please don’t hesitate to contact me or any member of our ISB Medical Team (  Thank you goes out to everyone for doing their part to keep our community safe by keeping students with cold, flu or fever at home, accurately completing ATK tests, notifying us of any symptoms, and reminding students to always wear masks and wash hands regularly. 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen 

Returning iPads

This is a reminder to please send back your child’s iPad and all peripherals (charger, cables, stylus, etc) to school on Monday, January 17th for in school learning.

Here is the list of equipment for each grade level that was sent home in August: 
Grades PK-1: iPad, charger and lightning cable (stylus for Gr1)
Grade 2: iPad, charger, lightning cable, stylus, ISB tote bag
Grades 3-5: iPad, charger, lightning cable, keyboard, stylus and ISB tote bag

Early Dismissal Canceled – Weds Jan 19

Wednesday, January 19th will be a regular school day with 2:25pm ES dismissal. 

ES Yearbook Photos

The yearbook photos will take place the week of Jan. 24 – 28, 2022. Students are asked to wear their red or white ISB shirt for the photo

Calling Grade 3-5 Musicians: Openings in Panther Orff Ensemble!

Musicians in grades 3, 4 and 5 who love to make music through singing, playing instruments and movement, consider signing up for Panther Orff Ensemble! This ensemble will begin meeting in person on Tuesday, January 25th, from 2:35-3:35 pm. Panther Orff Ensemble is free of charge! Click HERE to learn more and sign up! Please note: there are only openings for 10 new members, so registration is limited!

ES Cafeteria Menu

Please find the KG – G5 ES Cafeteria menu for next week linked here, and here is the menu for Pre-Kindergarten.

Panther Activities News

New Sessions to Start January 31st
Offering PK-12 programs in Art, Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Dance, Language, Gymnastics, Music, Rugby, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, and Volleyball, AND new this semester – Creative Ukuleles and Surf-Skating!  

Look for more details about how to register in next week’s eNews. 

Hanuman Film Festival at ISB – February 7th, 2022
We welcome all upcoming and current filmmakers (of all grades) to join us in the upcoming Hanuman Film Festival! Create and send in original films for a chance to win awards and prizes in the upcoming film festival on February 7th! To learn more, please fill out the form HERE, or email

In case you missed these ES events in December…

Panther Purrfect Episode 5.0!!!
News from the Panther Den,
Celebrity Spotlight with Ike Nwankwo 
& a special Cubs Corner 

Panther Needs Help

At this time, one of our most courageous Panthers, and a proud member of our PK-12 community, is in need of our assistance. Evelyn Durbin, daughter of ISB teachers, Augusta and Charlie, has been fighting cancer over the past year. At this time, complications are requiring daily blood transfusions during her battle in the hospital. A strong show of support via blood and platelet donations through the Thai Red Cross in her name would be greatly appreciated. There is currently a nationwide shortage of blood and platelets, and although we cannot donate directly to Evelyn, this increases the resources so that they have ample resources for her and those like her. For donor-related concerns, “please feel free to reach out to the ISB Health Center at“. In addition, several members of the ISB community have reached out to offer monetary support, as we know that the mounting medical costs associated with Evelyn’s care has already topped over 11,000,000THB. To this end ISB has set up a special “Friends of Evelyn” account. See bank details HERE  if you would like to contribute.

We will be hosting a Blood Drive on campus February 1, 2022 with the Thai Red Cross, but don’t feel the need to wait, consider donating today! [ Details to follow ]

Donation Centers
Thai Red Cross [Henri Dunant Road] – contact our office for details
The Mall Ngamwongwan , 5th floor [Government Center] [20 minutes from ISB campus] [Open 12.00-18.00]
Central Plaza Chaengwattana , 6th floor in front of Fitness First [Open 11.00-15.00], 5 minutes from campus
The Emporium , Sukhumvit, 2nd Floor, Building B [Open 12.00-18.00]

We know her family appreciates all the prayers, best wishes, and positive thoughts our community can give during this difficult time.

Athletics News

U11 Basketball practices resume on Monday 17th January at 2:30. Grade 3: ES Gym, Grade 4: Sports Complex, Grade 5: ES Auxi Gym.  

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