Virtual School Enhancements for January 2022

As the second semester will begin virtually, we ask all parents to please refer to the ISB Virtual School resources on the ISB website for details: 

As you review the updated ES Virtual School Handbook for January 2022, you’ll see that the virtual school day continues to be from 8AM-1:30PM for students.  The enhanced virtual school schedule now closely aligns with students’ on campus schedules. There continues to be a focus on small group core literacy and mathematics instruction with homeroom, EAL, and LS teachers and instructional assistants.  In addition, students participate in World Language, Art, Music and PE classes daily according to their on campus schedules.   To support families with multiple children, all KG-Grade 12 students share a common virtual school lunch time between 11:45am-12:30pm.

The ES Virtual School Handbook includes detailed information about our contingency plans for continued learning when extraordinary events force a closure of the campus. ISB uses a combination of online tools and resources to keep student learning moving forward and keep students connected to their teachers and peers. Virtual School can never replace in-person learning; however, we strive to ensure that virtual learning experiences are engaging, based on our learning objectives, and as meaningful as possible.  

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