Attention New ES Families

iPad Distribution on Monday 
For families who live in the Nichada Thani community, you are invited to pick up your child’s iPad from the security desk outside the school’s main gates any time after 11AM on Monday. For families who live outside of Nichada Thani, our Admissions team will be arranging for your child’s device to be delivered to you on Monday afternoon.  Please join our Monday sessions via your own personal devices. 

Virtual School Orientation Session @ 9AM Monday 
Please join our ES Admin and Coaching team at 9AM on Monday, January 10 for an orientation to Virtual School. During this session you will be familiarized with the key components of our Virtual School program as well and an introduction to our core digital platforms and tools. Please join us using this Zoom link: 

New Family Parent Engage @ 7:45AM Thursday 
Parents of new Elementary School students joining us for the second semester are invited to attend the New ES Parent Engage on Thursday, January 13 via ZoomThis is an opportunity for new families to connect and learn more about ISB. 

December 16, 2021 ES New Parent Orientation Recording Link 
Thank you to our new families who were able to join us for the ES Semester II New Parent Orientation on December 16.  If you are new to ISB and were unable to join the session with the ES principals and counselors, please find the session recording hereNote: At the time of recording, plans were to launch the new semester on campus.

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